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The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

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    The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

    Morning people, I saw Pan was on yesterday with no-one to talk to...that's a shame.
    I had a busy day and only had a chance to check in quickly but not post...
    Went to a 5th birthday party at this place called 'Planet Sports'...they opened the bar for the parents & a lot of them were drinking!! I was thinking that would've been me but then I thought no, I probably would've been too hungover from Saturday night!!!!
    Anyway, Day 8 - woofreakinghoo!!

    have a great day all.

    The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

    Oh, and I think the spare tyre around my middle is deflating...again woofreakin'hoo



      The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

      Woohoo indeed Angel!! Well done, and Goodmorning to you, and to everyone to come. May the de-bloating, and toned sleekness continue! Have a great Monday all, and my avocado tree is alive, and doing well.................G.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

        Aww Zenny, your kindness has no end. No I couldn't possibly take your muffin from you.

        Glad the trees still going G - it's pouring rain here today, your tree would love it...wish I could send it over there...


          The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

          Good Morning Angel, Morning all,
          Good feeling when you see the excess weight coming off isn't it?
          Guitar.... I'm going to plant an avocado tree in spring... got loys of garden preparation to do first. Is a guitarista like a barista only done with strings???


            The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

            Goodmorning Angel,Guit,Zen and Rags.

            Angel well done on 8day AF :goodjob: How are you feeling after a week of no AL?
            Guit and Pan thanks for your words of encouragement yesterday, it really helped. I'm on day 3 AF and feeling really good. I slept alot better last night.

            It's a beautiful day here so I plan on keeping myself busy, going to head outside to do some gardening.

            Take care


              The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

              Hmmm. I had 2 drinks Sat eve at a pub quiz, and 2 whilst watching the Grand Prix yesterday. Why did I do it? To get at my Husband.*rolls eyes and sighs*. All is not well with Mr Sweaty, losing his temper at the slightest thing, trying to be controlling, which he should know after 20 years just isn't going to happen. I always said I would never be scared of him, and I meant it, but its getting to that point. So, my alcohol consumption is directly related to my relationship with my Husband - lesson learned.

              On a more positive note - GO ANGEL! How is Ezz doing? Am off to do busy things, will check in later. Bx
              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

                Hey Crystal go you, it feels great to be at Day 8. Actually I did have 1/2 glass wine on Sat night - my friend came over for dinner & brought a bottle, but I'm still saying day 8 as I think it's gonna work best for me...the first week is the hardest and I don't know if I've got the balls to be calling this day 2 again!!! I'd probably cave and say to hell with it, but this way I've got more to loose as it were...Mr Cakes is going away on Wed night for work, before I probably would have had a bottle of wine & loved it. I'm feeling a bit anxious about it but then I figure I'm much more capable when not drunk, actually the idea of being here alone with the kids & being drunk is what makes me feel anxious - that's puts us all in a really vulnerable position.
                Betty I'm sorry Mr sweats is driving you to drink...but a couple of drinks is no biggy, you're doing great things when you look at the big picture...



                  The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

                  Betty last week hubby and I had been married 21yrs. I have lost count of the number of times I poured a drink only to hear the sighs and watch the eyes rolling. It would piss me off so much I would down the first drink quickly and then pour another. The only problem was unlike you I didn't stop at two, I'd drink the whole bottle. The next day I'd wake up sick and hungover and have to put up with him having ago at me and then sulking for the rest of the day. Blah that was really hard to deal with. So I do understand how you feel, stay strong the only person who has the right to control you is you.

                  Angel please stay strong on Wed night, enjoy the time with the kids. I still carry a lot of guilt from the times when my kids were little and hubby would go away. I would put the kids to bed and start making my way through a bottle of wine sometimes more.:upset:
                  You've done a great a great job getting through 8day AF, and I agree the 1/2 glass on Sat night does not count.


                    The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

                    Thanks mate...I think this week will be slightly easier than last so Wed will be OK.
                    I've had the most boring day's been pouring rain on & off & I'm sore from the gym & have PMT so I thought we'll just not go anywhere today. It started off watched a dvd this morning but by 11am I was soooo bored. I've finished my book, the 4yr old is still in his PJs (it's almost 5pm) and it's just been a very slow day...
                    I'm off now to make myself a virgin cocktail - cranberry juice, ginger beer & limes - this is truely the highlight of my day:day5:


                      The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April


                      Still hanging in there, just about yesterday evening though. I am with you with the PMT. I read someplace that liver detox vitamins help with PMT and for the 2 months I used them the results were great. Unfortunately I am not very good at taking vitamins, I just keep forgetting. So now I am planning to take them for the next 4 weeks.

                      Hubby is off work today and planning his next big home project, a large garden pond. We already have a good sized fish pond that was here when we bought the house. We are now going to put in a bigger pond and keep the old one for frogs.

                      Still hot here in WA, roll on the rain.


                        The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

                        Evening all
                        Wet day here today - glad to be at work for once. Sounds like everyone did well over the weekend so a gold star for yez all.


                          The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

                          Crystal - thanks for sharing - but it was me rolling my eyes and sighing at myself lol! He's just being too important for his own good and can't switch off work mode. Anyhow, I've just done some exercise and school work and am in a better frame of mind.

                          I had a blast supervising classes on Saturday - kids are just so funny, and I loved feeling useful and earning a little money.


                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                            The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

                            Hey Sweaty,
                            I just noticed your motto!


                              The Next Day Thread Monday 20th April

                              Hi all, it's been nearly 6mths AF for me. My son brought home a certificate for 100% attendance at school this term. That made me so happy because when i was drinking he would often miss school because I was to hungover to take him, or i couldnt be trusted to be sober enough to collect him. So it felt good. Hope you're all well x

