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Moderate drinking and depression
Moderate drinking and depression
Hi all! Well, you'd think I'd figured this one out by now, NOPE. Cut down from heavy beer drinking over the past yr and even stoped for a awhile. But, even keeping it 4 beers, the big D steps in! But, at other times, its ok? Wow, looking for some relief from all this pain recently, well ongoing, and damn it can't even handle a few beers? Just having a hard time admitting maybe I can't keep playing with my luck, this time will be ok? Plus I don't have any trouble stopping at 4, because that's when I notice I'm losing it. Guess I'm just having trouble admitting I can't drink. Rationalizing heavy drinkers, they have trouble not me, but just shows even in low volume it messes one up. So you guys that drink heavy and feel bad that you can't drink like the others, well the others are messed up too!!!CJ
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Moderate drinking and depression
Thanks for your post CJ. I know how you feel. You're right about the heavy drinkers and getting depressed. I am trying this program without the topa and while my drinking has cut back some, even a couple drinks makes me depressed too. I would say I was/maybe still am a heavy drinker. It's working for me a little but I guess the topa is the big key to the puzzle. Argh. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to commiserate.
Moderate drinking and depression
Thank YOU, for listening!!! Be kind on yourself...There's a good web site "June Russells Health facts" on what alcohol does to us. Check it out. I am a slow learner,. We all need to find our own way that works. But, for me, looking over my adult life, drinking was ALWAYS the culprit in my "mistakes". It s..ks, cause it sure feels good at the start but creeps up later to really bite us back! Now it's just learning other ways to get that "good feeling" without the bad outcomes!! Not easy when we've lived so long in a pattern, habits,etc. Just try to reward yourself with good stuff!!! I'm really going to try to make it this time, for more than a week! Just to prove to myself that I can feel better!!! Hugs, we're all in the same boat, just need to grab onto the oars and not drift. Take care!!! cjCJ
Moderate drinking and depression
me too
I, too am having a hard time of it and wondering if I need to abs versus total goal was to mod, but after my embarrassing ordeal on the way to PA in the airport, (we won't even go to details cuz I am sooooo embarrassed!) I am wondering if I will EVER really do it!?? Thanks for all the sharing and support, guess we just need to keep on trying to figure out what works for us, as for me I am AF tonight and actually broke down and went to an AA meeting (hate those!!
Anyway, gotta do what it takes,
I love you all, you are all very special to each of us!!! we need eachother here!!!:l :h
Mary Anne
Moderate drinking and depression
i am just recovering from a cross addiction to xanax and alcohol.the alcohol was long term but the xanax was just over the past few years.i have put lots of hours into researching tapering xanax and with the help of DR. Ashton and her support group i managed to stop xanax.i also have way better control over my drinking.
the one amazing fact i discovered is that the central nervous system becomes acutely sensitized to drugs.alcohol acts on the same receptors as tranquillizers and tranks are sometimes refered to as alcohol in a pill.once your nervous system is compromised it will remember and it will respond to further drug/alcohol usage in what seems to us an exagerated way.but thats what it has been sort of trained to once a person has experienced tolerance or rebound withdrawal then possibly even 1 xanax or even a few drinks will stimulate the nervous system back to what it remembers.......time is needed to heal the wounds and its different for each person.
Moderate drinking and depression
Thanks so much Mary Anne and Surfer!!
I too, just got back from an AA meeting! It only takes a little bit of something someone says to make your day!!! others' well, you just gotta sit tight thru some long long stories.
Wow, Surfer, you and I are really in the same boat! I too, just tapered Xanax and Dalmane since March, with help from Ashton Manual and!! You are so right about the cns system amess, then adding some alcohol here and there making things so much worse! I've been trying so hard to taper and then add a few beers in the mix! One lady sd to me, "your brain can't destinguish between chemicals" so in essance tapering was hell in itself, but adding the beers was just screwing up all the hard work, it was just as though I put more benzo back in! God, never thought low doses of xanax and dalmane for sleep were going to bring on the hell of w/d! If you want to chat more, please feel free to private message me or back here too. How's your sleep? mine is still not normal, lucky to get 5 hours. Going to give it my best not to drink!!!! Best wishes, I know what you've gone thru first hand, hugs, cj:lCJ
Moderate drinking and depression
Hi there guys!
Don't know why I am acting so cheerful, I have not had good sleep since I last posted, in fact was up since 2:30Am..........soooooo tired!!
Anyway, what I wanted to say is I also took lots & lots of Xanax and clonazepam (still take sometimes, the clonazepam....doc says better than Xanax....longer in system) Started taking for anxiety (usually due to drinking!
Anyway, after about 3 days after a binge I will sleep ok, so pray I do tonight.................I hope you all are doing ok, I will try & hang in there, you too!:l
Lots of love!!!
Mary Anne
Moderate drinking and depression
Hey there Mary Anne, oh those "benzo's"! especially Xanax. My drinking got worse after I was on them!! They are only theraputic for less than 4 wks, after that your in tolerance. Which means, you crave more even though your taking them, thus, drinking more due to "anxiety" from rebound w/d, anxiety. My issues are still SLEEP! Having also taken sleeping pills, dalmane, which is also a benzo, the brain is in total confusion!! plus , add alcohol to the mix and the cns system has no clue what's going on! I've been trying to taper off the dalmane and not sure why I can't get any normal sleep yet? Guess its still a confused brain, taking away all the "numbing" agents and it doesn't know how to relax? The Ashton Manual puts it all in to prospective. Just hoping once I can make a few wks w/o beer maybe that will help? Situational stuff going on doesn't help. Best wishes for your sleep tonight too!!!! Our brains are very delicate and we need to feed them the right stuff, easier sd than done. Big Hugs, CJCJ
Moderate drinking and depression
Ashton Manual
How do I get the Ashton Manual? Can I read it on line or buy it in a book store? I have never heard of it........
Feeling VERY tired now, just had a big lunch, but will make it til 4:30, then off to the gym to make myself EXTREMEMLY tired (hopefully!)
Haven't taken any clonazepan for 3 days, or drank since long til everything is out of my system???
Well, just thought I'd ask,
Thanks for all the support:thanks:
Love and hugs,
Mary Anne
Moderate drinking and depression
Mary Anne, hi, I sent you a private email. If you've been on benzo's for over a few wks, DO NOT STOP COLD TURKEY!!!!! You will need to taper very slowly, over months. Even low doses cause w/d, so please talk with your doctor and or someone who knows about benzo w/d, most doctors are clueless on the time factor. Hope you are able to find the Ashton Manual on line, just search under that title, she's in the UK, or a load of information! I've heard so many people that drink heavily were on benzo's and thus became heavier drinkers. What I found is the time when they wear off is peak anxiety so we drink instead of upping more of the pills. Viscious cycle, but knowledge is the key. My alcohol cravings have hugely dropped since I got off xanax, but still having w/d issues from the dalmane or could still be the xanax? Our brains need a long time to get those Gaba receptors working correctly again, since they have been nulled so long. Good luck and go slow , hugs, cjCJ
Moderate drinking and depression
Benzos and alcohol
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in the last 2 months or so, so I will re-introduce myself. I started the program in Sept 05 and was abstinent until Jan 06, then moderated. I was on Topa for about 24 weeks and stopped in Feb or March. About the same time I decided to go off my celexa (anti depressant) because it didnt seem to be doing anything. BIG MISTAKE. While I am doing great with the drinking, I had a major anxiety meltdown. Doctor prescribed Ativan and I faithfully took one a day for 4 weeks. Well, now I am addicted to the Ativan !! Couldnt believe how quick it happened, and at such a low dose. After just 3 weeks the withdrawl symptoms were unbearable. I honestly thought I was losing my mind. So now I am just starting the "Ashton" taper program.
I was very surprised to see this thread and the comments about how alcohol and benzos affect the same part of the brain, and I agree 100%.
Obviously there is something in my brain that responds differently than other people. But I am back on some anti-depressants (this time Zoloft), on the taper plan and going to counselling. Plus I am very proud that I am moderating. But this is something I just did not see coming. I would send a warning out to all of us drinkers, beware of Benzos. They are NOT a good med for us.
Moderate drinking and depression
So sorry your dealing with the "benzo" hell, sobermom. Doctors are so ignorant when it comes to meds!!!!!! They told me I couldn't possibly be in w/d from xanax after a couple wks w/d and low dose. But I was on them for yrs plus the benzo dalmane with the icing on the cake of alcohol! It's been over 5 months now since I started my taper and I am still lucky to have one day of calmness! But, I do see a difference, takes a long time!! Alcohol now is so powerful and damaging when I drink, so must stop! Maybe when this whole w/d and brain settles down I will be able to have a few sometimes? not going to risk it anymore for now. W/d from benzo's was like having break down, feeling crazy, shakey, pacing unable to sit and focus etc etc. not to mention no sleep. I've had to add a full dose of dalmane many times just to save my sanity. Trying to take magnesium at night and vitamins, sleepy tea and a tyl pm. Usually helps for a couple hours. Then a 5-htp at times. But slowly eliminating the poisons it is getting better. Yes alcohol effects the same receptors in the brain as do most drugs. But heroin and downers don't have the same w/d symtoms or nearly as long. Benzo's killed my girlfriend, she was on many many different ones, they just kept adding to her "cocktail". I think she tried to stop cold turkey, after hearing about the effects. Please anyone on these meds DO NOT STOP COLD TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they must be tapered very very slowly, but it can be done. Bless you all, cjCJ
Moderate drinking and depression
Hey guys, phew. I'm on my second day w/o a drink. I never thought about Klonipin increasing your desire to drink. I started taking it 5 years ago right about the time i really lost it with drinking. How do you do it, quit booze first. Quit both, booze first cold turkey and then taper the Klonipin?? Sure am having a having a hard time of it. Just quit coffee two weeks ago b/c not sleeping. My life is not bad but with physical problems and no job I have seen the writing. I am in deep doo and don't know what the heck to do. I have tried before but just figure my genes are a curse. I have tried supps. before. They do work, but now with the double addiction I'm lost. Scared and lost, thanks for listening, headless
Moderate drinking and depression
Oh God these damn drugs! Try to find an addiction specialist, not just any doctor, they don't understand addiction! There are support groups, I used the Ashton Manual,, Professor Ashton has done a great deal of research on all these drugs. The only way, and I mean only way is to go SLOW. Don't expect to get off them in a month or so, like so many doctors will say. I told my doctor I wanted off and she cut my script, then I was in pure hell! Ended up with a psyche dr, they love to hand out meds, and had no trouble getting my dalmane. I've been using that to taper. The best is valium, due to its long 1/2 life. But, please don't do it w/o research and confronting a specialist!!!! You'll read horror stories but don't let that scare you, many people can taper with not much of a problem. I would definatley cut the booze first, that w/d is so short compared to benzo's. Do your homework so you can feel assured that you're symptoms are normal. I read the "success stories" daily on the to get my strength. I am so furious at the medical field for the lack of support and knowledge re these meds! You're ok just get the right support, take care, big hug, cjCJ
Moderate drinking and depression
CJ, thank you for your support and info. I will definitely check out the benzo website. I hope I can stop the drinking so I can get off the benzo. First the coffee, now the booze then benzo diet. We'll see. Since you seem to have info on this how long should you be off booze before tapering benzo's?? If I return to drinking (Hopefully not) is tapering ok to try?? Thanks again for your info and kind words.