i really fear the third to fourth day. i never seem to be able to get past it. i fell that if i could i could do ok. but i have everything to lose at this point. my kids, my husband, my home, my sanity and my health.
al brings NOTHING to my life. it is just temporary escape to help me cope. and it makes everything worse.
I am 37 and still in good health and i haven't had jail time or crashed cars or divorce or my kids taken away but it really is just a matter of time.
for a long time my big thing was that i never drank during the day. well, that seems to have changed recently and i have had some incredibly bad binges, monday being a particualrly crazy one where i was essentially blacked out all day.
please pray for me. i feel very isolated in the desiese at this point. i am going back to AA tonight. i have gone on and off for over a year, but never really committed. i've played the whole 'i am different...they are all older, all men' but really that isn't true and i need to find help wherever i can get it.
thanks everybody