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Opinions and Observations...From UKSean...

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    Opinions and Observations...From UKSean...

    So it's been almost three weeks since I touched down once again on British soil.
    Here are a few "thought's and observations"
    It is quite an uneasy feeling to feel "culture shock" in the country of your birth.
    A lot of things remain the same, yet so many things are different (I know, I know ..well what did you expect?) It is almost like I have been in prison for 30 years and suddenly released to begin my life again.
    I feel myself holding back talking to people as I have become very aware of my "watered down" accent one person I spoke to thought I was a yank and another said "It's funny talking to a scouse yankee"..
    I am sure it is because Brighton is a holiday town but it is very expensive Fish and chips ?6.95
    English breakfast ?5.95 I have found a few place's cheaper but not many.
    As each day go's by I am feeling a little more at home, but the loneliness that has followed me for so many years is still very much with me (I guess time will improve that situation)
    It is hard to strike up a conversation with a lady in the hopes of some kind of relationship developing when quite honestly what do I have to offer anyone right now, I don't have a job,home, money and my prospects are not exactly rosy, not exactly a "great catch"
    I will stumble on....speaking of stumbling I have to learn to pick my feet up a bit I find myself kicking the paving stones quite often as some are very uneven and i feel it's just a matter of time before I go head first into concrete.
    A disturbing thing I have noticed is when did it become OK to say the "C" word out loud and in company???? even more disturbing when did it become OK for woman to say it.
    It is the most disgusting word ever to defile the English language and one I can say I have never ever used. I do hope it is a trend on it's way out.
    One very good thing that remains unchanged is the fact that English woman are still as beautiful as they where 30 years ago, however men are men no matter where you go opinionated, often childish an all around pain in the arse. )
    Oh well these are just MY opinions and observations that really do not amount to a hill of beans.
    Sean x...

    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    Opinions and Observations...From UKSean...

    Hey Sean. have you thought about going to an AA meeting? You will find people there who are very friendly, and some great friendships can come out of meeting people with the same problems as ourselves.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Opinions and Observations...From UKSean...

      Sean, your strength shines thru in every single post !!! I am so proud of you !!!
      The old saying goes "you can"t go home again"...GOOD FOR YOU ON PROVING THEM WRONG !!!!
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Opinions and Observations...From UKSean...

        thankx for sharing sean stay strong and keep thinking positive
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Opinions and Observations...From UKSean...

          Loved your opinions and observations an interesting perspective from a returned immigrant. You sound positive, strong and reflective. I believe that things have a way of working themselves out and you will meet 'the one' when the time is right. In the meantime attending AA may not be such a bad idea, a good way for making real good friends and I guess u can do with one or two of those right now.


            Opinions and Observations...From UKSean...

            Why do I need friends.........

            When I have my angels

            It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


              Opinions and Observations...From UKSean...

              Hey Sean
              How is it going?


                Opinions and Observations...From UKSean...

                Should we be concerned about yer diet? English breakfast followed by fish and chips and every day??. Are you trying to have a heart attack on top of everything else!!
                And SIX FECKIN POUNDS NINETY FIVE for fish and chips. That is like $ could feed a whole family with fush and chups on that here....
                Glad you are feeling positive though.

