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More opinions and observations

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    More opinions and observations

    First a tip for all my American friends.....
    If you ever come to Great Britain for a holiday and decide to give our lovely curry a go, here's a very important tip..... Take it back to your hotel room, get completely naked and eat it in the bathtub or shower..if you get this stuff on your cloth's a sand blaster wont get it out...Try not to get it on yourself ..if you have a physical exam in the next ten years your Doctor may diagnose jaundice.....

    Now..Note to UK Goverment...
    Start a program where every morning you collect all left over curry from the chippy's,
    send it to all goverment building's maintenance department's have all goverment buildings painted with the curry sauce, this will help anybody in there attempt to locate a building of the Goverment as they will be a beautiful yellow colour....PLUS there will be no cost for re-painting goverment buildings ever again as I am sure this sauce/paint will never fade.
    Can you imagine the saving's from this program???
    Just another thought and observation ))
    Love to all

    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    More opinions and observations

    Sean when I started to read your thread I thought u were gone a bit kinky curry in the nude what! Obviously u had a run in with curry sauce. Is that you in the avitar?


      More opinions and observations


      That was the look on my face when I was turned down for help from the local authorities.

      You know when I was asked questions by the person at the social service dept I told him about the blockage I had, had in my aorta in my stomach..he said (and I quote) "I thought the aorta was in the heart" (end quote) so my denial because they didn't think I was ill enough was given by a person not qualified to give a medical opinion or observation.he's just another beaurocrat...
      Oh well life go's on.

      It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


        More opinions and observations

        LOL this is funny. My spouse is an Anglophile and so we've been there often. The first time we stayed in Kensington, and after spending $38 pounds for chippies we decided Indian was cheaper. Since that time we've found some better (cheaper) neighborhoods, although our future plans involve spending more time in Oxford or York where the prices are far better than London.

        On one trip we got into Wales, and for some reason rejected the local fare and ducked into an Indian restaurant for refuge from bland food. The waiter came out three times to check whether we wanted our Indian food "Extra Hot". We replied three times. It still came out bland.

        In our house, a favorite dish we make is Kedgeree. This is a Victorian mosh of curry and fish. You just cook some rice but add 1tsp of Turmeric to it to start. You want it bright yellow. Turmeric will stain like crazy so don't get it on your clothes or even on a linoleum counter (bleach takes it out of the counter, but your clothes are hopeless). Add a half cup of onion, carrots and other veggies if available. Adding about 2 Tbs of fresh chopped ginger is real cool. Add in 12 oz of cooked whitefish (sole, cod) flaked. Then sprinkle a good 1/2 cup of fresh parsley on top. The effect you want is "blinding white" fish, against yellow veggie rice, with green flakes over all. This dinner is full of antioxidants, and omegas. To spice it up just add some red pepper flakes. Yum.

        Kedgeree is apparently a Scottish dish which means simply a bunch of stuff. In Victorian times it would have been made with smoked fish and eaten for breakfast.

        Kedgeree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


          More opinions and observations

          lol! Sean, who right you are, many , many , many a good top has been ruined while I have indulged whilst under the influence...
          We are such ladies over this side ...............


            More opinions and observations

            I have two words regarding stain removal: Oxy-Clean. Do you have this product in the UK? If you have a really nasty stain, soak the item in a bucket of Oxy-Clean and water for about a week, then wash as usual. The stuff works wonders. I have a 2 year old and I wash his cloth diapers, so I have had my share of stains!


              More opinions and observations


              Hi and good luck! Glad to see you posting!

              And CS04-

              Good for you for using cloth diapers and not filling our landfills with Pampers! Thanks!!!


                More opinions and observations

                Hey Lucky,
                That was our primary incentive for using cloth diapers - we are big recyclers. I have to admit we do use disposables at night (he gets bad rash otherwise), but one a day is not the end of the world. And diapers are expensive!

                Sorry to hijack Sean's thread.

