If you ever come to Great Britain for a holiday and decide to give our lovely curry a go, here's a very important tip..... Take it back to your hotel room, get completely naked and eat it in the bathtub or shower..if you get this stuff on your cloth's a sand blaster wont get it out...Try not to get it on yourself ..if you have a physical exam in the next ten years your Doctor may diagnose jaundice.....
Now..Note to UK Goverment...
Start a program where every morning you collect all left over curry from the chippy's,
send it to all goverment building's maintenance department's have all goverment buildings painted with the curry sauce, this will help anybody in there attempt to locate a building of the Goverment as they will be a beautiful yellow colour....PLUS there will be no cost for re-painting goverment buildings ever again as I am sure this sauce/paint will never fade.
Can you imagine the saving's from this program???
Just another thought and observation

Love to all