Tomorrow I will be considered to be one of the many homeless in our country.
I have a case worker with the Brighton Housing Trust which is a charity organization who has me on a waiting list for a homeless shelter, however getting in is not guaranteed.
I have the address of various soup kitchens and place's to wash.
I must admit I am very scared.
Having said that I chose this course of action.
The laws of Great Britain are that I have to prove habitual residency for which I was not able to prove.
Social service's have deemed me not sufficiently disabled to warrant temporary housing.
I will be going to Brighton Housing Trust first thing Monday morning to see what can be done.
Wheels turn very slowly and I feel that I will indeed be on the streets for awhile.
I do know that all my MWO friends will be thinking of me and be with me.
I am able to get to the library and can use the computer there for one hour a day.
I will use that time to let you know how things are going.
Like I said in a previous thread; When the going gets tough...the tough get going.
Have no fear I will beat this and land on my feet.
I knew it would get worse before it got better.
Love to all,
Sean X...