The comments in this thread a little harsh to say the least.
I worked in the UK from 13 years of age until 1978 when whilst in the merchant navy I met a girl who became my wife.
We were married for 20 years, however the last 3 years unbearable.
I have shared this with only a handful of people but those last 3 years I was punched,kicked sat on top of for hours by a woman who had become abusive of prescription medication (steroids and Xanax) the woman I fell in love with did not exist anymore.
After 3 years of hell I walked out, that was nearly 11 years ago.
Since then I have lost my Son (I haven't seen or heard from him in over 6 years).
I have had major surgery a quadruple by pass to treat a blockage in my aorta in my stomach.
I have been diagnosed with P.A.D. Reynards disease I have had to have stents in my groin to try to increase blood flow 3 times.
I lost my father to cancer (Mum died of cancer 22 years ago)
Last year I was diagnosed with C.O.P.D.
I lost my job due to illness ergo I lose my health insurance I should be on medication but couldn't afford them.
I eventualy lost my apartment due to rent not being paid.
I had 7 holiday days pay it was either get a hotel room for a week and be homeless in America (which can be deadly) or try to get home and seek medical attention.
I am British...I have always been British...I will die British if it is to much to ask to come home to the place of your birth then Britain has changed.
This habitual residency law is preventing people such as me to returning to there homeland while allowing people from God knows where to just walk in without problem.
I could have got my American citizenship however I will not , and would not raise my right hand and swear to give up any aligence or be prepared to take up arms against my former country.. I call that being loyal to one's birthplace.
I hope this little trip down memory lane for me gives you a little insight as to why I wanted to come home.. I want to die and be buried in Britain not the United States (no ofence
to my wonderful American friends)