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Reply to stepintime

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    Reply to stepintime

    I found your comments in my first thread valid.
    The comments in this thread a little harsh to say the least.

    I worked in the UK from 13 years of age until 1978 when whilst in the merchant navy I met a girl who became my wife.
    We were married for 20 years, however the last 3 years unbearable.
    I have shared this with only a handful of people but those last 3 years I was punched,kicked sat on top of for hours by a woman who had become abusive of prescription medication (steroids and Xanax) the woman I fell in love with did not exist anymore.
    After 3 years of hell I walked out, that was nearly 11 years ago.
    Since then I have lost my Son (I haven't seen or heard from him in over 6 years).
    I have had major surgery a quadruple by pass to treat a blockage in my aorta in my stomach.
    I have been diagnosed with P.A.D. Reynards disease I have had to have stents in my groin to try to increase blood flow 3 times.
    I lost my father to cancer (Mum died of cancer 22 years ago)
    Last year I was diagnosed with C.O.P.D.
    I lost my job due to illness ergo I lose my health insurance I should be on medication but couldn't afford them.
    I eventualy lost my apartment due to rent not being paid.
    I had 7 holiday days pay it was either get a hotel room for a week and be homeless in America (which can be deadly) or try to get home and seek medical attention.
    I am British...I have always been British...I will die British if it is to much to ask to come home to the place of your birth then Britain has changed.
    This habitual residency law is preventing people such as me to returning to there homeland while allowing people from God knows where to just walk in without problem.
    I could have got my American citizenship however I will not , and would not raise my right hand and swear to give up any aligence or be prepared to take up arms against my former country.. I call that being loyal to one's birthplace.
    I hope this little trip down memory lane for me gives you a little insight as to why I wanted to come home.. I want to die and be buried in Britain not the United States (no ofence
    to my wonderful American friends)

    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    Reply to stepintime

    All the Best . . .

    Hey Sean,

    Good Lord, you've been thru the mill and back again, "what doesn't kill ya make ya stronger", my Dad use to say.

    I agree with Oney.

    I didn't read the threads regarding your prior situation, but keep up the good work and hold on to your positive attitude!

    All the Best to You on your journey . . . . :l


      Reply to stepintime

      (((Sean))) Stepintime is a jerk. Wishing you help asap. :l


        Reply to stepintime

        I must admit I did think it was quite a strange response. Praying for some good news today Sean.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Reply to stepintime

          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Reply to stepintime

            tlrgs;601837 wrote: JUST KEEP WALKING WITH YOUR HEAD UP .. BE PROUD
            Thats it, couldnt agree more!


              Reply to stepintime

              Sean do not waste your efforts on a bunch of have bigger better things to fill your thoughts and energy on right now. There will always be opinionated/cruel people in this world that hit you when you are at your lowest point. Let those comments roll right off.
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                Reply to stepintime

                To be perfectly honest with ya, I don't think I have ever seen a post by Stepintime that wasn't bitter or just plain ol' mean.

                That is her problem, not yours, Sean.

                You defo do NOT need to explain yourself to anyone!

                With all of your health issues, and your current housing/financial state; you are showing nothing but determination and motivation. MOST would crack under all of those odds against them.

                You just keep on fighting. Shit, I lived in the US and then moved back to Canada after my first husband and I separated. I had no home, no job... I was lucky to have a family member to stay with, however. But you have to do, what you have to do. Things are always tough in the beginning. But if that is where your heart is; anything is possible. :l


                  Reply to stepintime

                  sean, no one can go back & change a bad beginning,but one can start anything,anytime & create a sucessfull ending, you will get there sean,doing what i can to help.

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    Reply to stepintime

                    Whilst I fully understand that people may have taken this the wrong way, it is an unfortunate fact of life, that people from all over the world have decided that this country is just a place where you can come and be made welcome, given housing, food, and medical treatment without paying.

                    Unfortunately, this means that when people do want to come back, that were born in this country, there is nothing for them.
                    UKSean has now become another ex-pat statistic, who has just been put to the bottom of the ladder.
                    In my job, I see immigrants come into this country, and get given everything.
                    The downside for sean, is that he may end up paying for health insurance here
                    , along with the rest of us.

                    I agree. Sean is a British Citizen, but he hasn't been paying into the system, and unfortunately that will be the way he will be viewed by the state.

                    I am not being malicious, just telling it how it is.

                    America, along with most other countries, is an expensive place to live when your'e down on your luck, and need help.

                    And for those of you I have offended, experience tells me, there are a lot of people who see it this way, but are afraid to say it.
                    Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


                      Reply to stepintime

                      For someone who was not being malicious you sure can make snide comments. Stop being so judgemental and try a bit of kindness. It's a much nicer trait
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Reply to stepintime

                        Hey Sean . . . keep the faith . . .

                        Only Good Affirmations for you Sean,

                        Keep the Faith, Stay Strong and Know there are many more people out here that are in your corner than there are who are putting negative energy out there into the universe.


                        Bless your strong Spirit . . .

                        Place big fat HuGGable here :l


                          Reply to stepintime

                          Sean your own quote sez it all, "its nice to be important , however it's more important to be nice!!! We all need a help in life else we wouldnt be on this site!!!!!!


                            Reply to stepintime

                            You are correct Step alot of IGNORANT people do "see it" that way. The problem with "seeing it" that way is you have no heart!!!!!! Whether Sean has paid into the system of America or elsewhere should make no difference. Many, many, many people pay in and never see those funds. I for one expect those in need to be cared for. I have never received any type of government assistance..yet I have paid in for 20 years. I would hope those funds go to someone....
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                              Reply to stepintime

                              Look everyone its the same all over the world not just America we here in the uk have so many Polish, Asian, Chinese people we got the award for being multi national then a huge bomb went off in our underground train system x we are all on this planet x IT'S NICE TO BE IMPORTANT, HOWEVER IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO BE NICE!!!!!!

