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Not again! How long will it take to learn?

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    Not again! How long will it take to learn?

    Hi everyone :-)

    I've been on MWO before (about 12 months ago) But am new to all of you here, so have only posted a couple of times and haven't made any friends yet, which I am looking for, to help me (and you) on my (our)way...

    Spent the first 3 months of this year drinking no more than 3 beers a night, 2 alcohol free days a week, with only occasional drunkenness once every two weeks, on weekends (this is considered normal, moderate drinking by Australian standards)

    I was very happy with myself (and much happier within myself) but have slipped back to my old ways in the last 6 weeks...

    A "quiet night" is a bottle of red by myself...Much better than I was doing 12 months ago though, so that's something..

    MY AIM ...I need to NOT drink at least 4 days a week and when I do drink, just be happy and sociable, as opposed to drinking enough to feel depressed and sick all the next day...

    Anyone who can relate, feel free to reply...

    David x
    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....

    Not again! How long will it take to learn?

    Hi david.

    Did you have a bad weekend? We all know how hard the struggle is. Have you tried to get any meds to help you with the cravings. When you were moderating were you able to do any AF days during the week.

    I am a binge drinker, can easily have 5 AF nights per week but tend to go mad at the weekend. With the help of an accountability partner and lots of determination I have managed to be AF this weekend.

    Maybe you would do better if you were able to get a few weeks AF under your belt. Clear the mind to make some decisions about how you want your drinking to be in the future. Some people are able to moderate, some are not.


      Not again! How long will it take to learn?

      Hi Waving, I have just gone over to the 4 day AF thread which means that from monday to thursday you try and be AF and then you take it from there, I think this thread will be quite good for you. My drinking was getting to the point that I would get drunk every second night but I have not been here long and already I have notice a small change in my habits, only last week I proved to myself that I could go 6 days AF which is something that I have not done in a very long time. So keep posting & reading a Welcome
      :dancin: enguin:
      starting over


        Not again! How long will it take to learn?

        Hi Waving,
        Welcome back, always the right place to be!

        I joined back in February with the hope of learning to moderate my wine intake. After several weeks of reducing my daily intake, I had to face the fact that I was still drinking everyday and not even willing to skip a day or two here or there. That just wasn't good enough. So, I finally took the plunge and decided to go AF nearly 5 weeks ago. That may have been one of the toughest but best decisions of my life. Today I am calm, happy, healthier and just basically more comfortable in my own skin........... not to mention damn proud of myself. I'm not going to let these feelings go - they're mine and I've worked hard to get to this point

        Whatever you decide to do, best wishes, I want to see everyone as happy as I am now.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Not again! How long will it take to learn?

          congrats Lavande. Hi David - here you'll get loads of advice. I have had 9 AF days and 3 mod days this month. I have tried the 30 day AF but so far has not managed yet. Now I have the goal to increase my AF days every month. It seem to work better for my spesific psychology.
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            Not again! How long will it take to learn?

            goodmorning and welcom,interesting name,your drinking patterns the same,lerking is good,you seem to have a grip on your drinking,all ask do you want to stop or mod,you seem to have found an answer in some ways,follow your heart,not your head,coming here on a regular baisis,works for some i do wish you well enjoy the site and the different ways of working on your drinking gyco


              Not again! How long will it take to learn?

              Moderation for me was awful. I was so obsessed with when I was going to drink, how much I was going to drink. I know "normal" drinkers don't do that. And then when I did drink moderately, I always felt kind of guilty. Also I too was/am a binge drinker. I could go weeks without drinking and then drink around the clock for 3 days.
              Simplest solution for me is to commit to being af. Moderation is definitely not in the cards for me.
              Good luck wave and everyone on this mad quest for sobriety or whatever.


                Not again! How long will it take to learn?

                I know EXACTLY how you feel. I was having a drink or two after i came off a streak of AF, but the last few weeks i have lost controll. The worst of it, I am lying right to my friends face about it. I am telling them i am just modding but I am full out binging. You are not alone. I come here because it reminds me I of just that. this is a struggle for lots of people

