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Checking in... Not doing great

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    Checking in... Not doing great

    Hi all thought I would check in. Haven't been here in a while. Not doing well with my drinking. I want to stop and just don't. My antidepressants when I take them seem to be doing nothing. I want to order the Naltrexone hoping it won't be super expensive. When I asked my doc about it he said they only use it inb hospitals to "wake you up if you had to go b/c you had drank too much. he also said that drinking on it you could overdose b/c the AL seems to have no effect so you drink more and more. Any thoughts on these things?
    One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.

    Checking in... Not doing great

    Hi Twinsmommy
    I too am feeling a bit rubbish i had a couple AF days last week then binged i had a few this morning and am tapering off now - roll on tomorrow!! Hang on in there.


      Checking in... Not doing great

      I don't think your Dr. ever tried drinking on Naltrexone...he doesn't sound like he has a clue.
      for me the Nal takes away the desire to drink...I just DON'T want it !!! doesn't hold any appeal at all !!! I almost have to force it down my throat so I figure....why bother ???
      You can buy it on line along with many other meds that will help take away the craving to drink...they won't help if you don't take them...????????????
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Checking in... Not doing great

        here's what sometimes works for me...a Modder

        I find it's hard to stop when I've been drinking several days in a row.
        This works sometimes:
        If I've overdone it and feel like crap one morning and I'm thinking:
        "God, I feel like shit, I'm NEVER going to drink again"
        THAT'S the perfect day for your first day AF;
        you should be able to do that one day!
        Then write down everything about why you feel like shit and don't ever want to drink again...
        Keep the paper near you.
        On day two, read that piece of paper as soon as you start thinking about a drink...
        Sometimes it will conjure up enough disgust that you can make it through your urge and rack up Day number two.
        If you can get through three days, you might start feeling better,
        and remember how great it feels to be AF..

        Now as a Modder, I don't continue AF long enough to go crazy and binge.
        After being AF awhile,cleaning out my system,
        and getting some control over "The Beast";
        I have a predetermined amount of AL on occasion, so the urge is kept in check.

        Instead of you being on an AF/binge cycle; perhaps you could have one or two drinks every few days or once a week,
        tame this beast once and for all,
        and get on with a normal, sober,anti-depressant free life?

        Just a thought from a Modder.

        [quote=twinsmommy;601791] Not doing well with my drinking. I want to stop and just don't.
        It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
        ~ Charles Spurgeon


          Checking in... Not doing great

          Hi twinsmommy,

          Sorry to hear your news.

          Antidepressant/antianxiety meds never helped me with much of anything, let alone reduce my desire to drink. I gave them up many months ago and switched to some good herbal products with great results.
          Once I had the anxiety & resulting depression under control quitting my huge wine habit was really no problem thanks to the MWO program.

          I've not used any of the meds or supplements offered here. I am sticking with my herbal products - why mess with a good thing?? But, I have profited greatly from the support of all the members here and the CDs (they really do reinforce all the great new things you are learning).

          I am a retired nurse and have always had a problem with the way doctors approach (or refuse to approach) a complaint from a patient. I'm 55 now, retired at 45 largely due to their attitudes & opinions. I believe that you know yourself best, your strengths & weaknesses. Do a lot of research, know & trust that you can devise a plan that works best for you!!

          Hang in there, never give up, you can do it.........
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Checking in... Not doing great

            Thanks so much all. Glad I have this place
            One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


              Checking in... Not doing great

              Hi twins Mummy!

              Your thread touched me (forgive me, I'm touched anyway!):H

              It's sh*t being depressed, I know. You mention about your anti-depressants medication but seem to give the impression that you don't take it on a regular basis ..... Firstly, don't be embarrassed about taking them! :blush: How old are your twins? I was diagnosed with post-natal depression after my 1st baby, didn't get it properly treated (ie, with medication) then of course had it diagnosed WITH AVENGENCE (!) after my 2nd baby and thank the LORD I said :yay::yay::yay: to medication - and thankfully I did! As with any medication, it's all about a balance of chemicals and that is ALL depression is - to top ut the balance of the "happy" chemical in your brain :nutso: If you're GP has got you on the right type and they're not turning you into any ranting raving loony (!!!) - just take them.

              Now, once your depression is sorted - like me - you MAY be able to get your drinking more easily in hand. Before I had sorted my depression ... well, to day I was turning to the bottle as medication was like saying "is the Pope Catholic?!?". I didn't really have a happy clear head so what did I do? Open the wine of course!!!!!

              No - not the wise thing to do!

              So, I got my head in gear with the anti-d's (through my GP). Then I found this MWO www and did some research on the medications and I ordered (via RIVER) the TOPA - which I have to say really worked for me. It's sort of a "dulling" sensation which depending on what type of anti-dep your on may drag you down. If you've got a good relationship with your GP or you're happy to discuss your AL problem with them - mention the TOPA to them. It reduces cravings. I've also got NAL on order (if they'd hurry up and send it to me! 'cos I think that is THE one to have - like EVIE says, it takes the "high" out of the drinking if taken before drinking).

              So, twins Mummy, sorry for rambling-a-bambling ..... hope you're OK and I'll be keeping a check on you. Get your depression medication sorted - that is the foundation of your AL problem first and foremost and then deal with the AL. Honest - the depression will be the crux of your's, your nearest and dearest's happiness xxxxxxx


                Checking in... Not doing great

                Hi Twinsmommy - I just want to say that I hope you feel better soon. Al is such a sneaky beast - it increases depression and so the cycle grows vicious.
                make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                  Checking in... Not doing great

                  Hi Lavande

                  I gave them up many months ago and switched to some good herbal products with great results.

                  Do you mind sharing what herbal products you use, Lavande?


                    Checking in... Not doing great

                    I just read an article yesterday on the mineral "chromium".

                    It is often an ingredient in herbal weight loss supplements. It also is a wonderful blood sugar stabilizer and therefore is recommended in alcohol recovery. But what I learned in this new article I read is that:

                    "A study from the Duke University suggests taking chromium can cure one in five cases of full blown depression, and the folks most likely to benefit are the ones who tend to overeat and crave sleep when they are feeling down. The turnaround can happen in as little as a week - and overall improvement in mood tends to be better than what doctors usually see with anti-depressants! Researchers theorize that correcting a chromium deficiency signals the brain to produce more of the "happiness" hormone seratonin."

                    They recommend 400 mcg a day and say that most people are deficient. It is naturally found in food sources such as mushrooms, barley, chicpeas, lentils and broccoli. But one serving of each of these foods only contain less than 24 mcg, so you would have to eat a bushel to reach the study-proven dose of 400 mcg daily!

                    The article can be found in the current edition of "Woman's World" magazine on pg. 16. The title of the article is "The Slimming Pill that prevents heart attacks, diabetes and the blues!" (maybe google it)

                    For any of you "Costco" members, you can get a big bottle of it there for about 24.99 and each tablet is 400 mcg. I have been taking it for the weight loss/ work out/ alcohol recovery benefits, so this is just one more reason for me!

                    B-vitamins also help tremendously with the blues.
                    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

