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    really it does feel that way right now.. don't know what it is .. but yesterday i had to come to realise that i might have to sell some of the tools .. just to get by .. and i wasnt able to sleep till 5:30am... things were just going around in my head .. i try not to worry but its so hard not to ..there are so many things i would love to do and everything cost .. and i was thinking of making dog lots again ..but spending more money and then sell them out front of my house .. then worry about the city of hollywood having a problem with me selling things out of my house ..
    have you ever felt stuck.. not knowing what to do next ..this is really nothing to do with al ..just life the meaning of everything,..where to go,
    what to do .. this is becoming crazy .. i want to do so much but there nothing i can do without money.. i want to work but i now have to be very careful of being caught ..i wish i could leave but just having enought money to get where i want to be .. but now is that really what i want .. yeah that doesnt sound right or make any sence.. but shit what do i do ...
    just venting and have to thank god for what i do have ,a place to stay, kids that love me ..
    a gf that puts up with me .. and just last night was chatting with cs and comet.. i said it to her i wish i didnt have to feel all these feelings now ..but these are all parts of life ups and downs and i will make it thur .. thankx for listening
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


    Deep Breath T...Release and Relax...
    The world is a scary place right now but I can promise you that it is gonna be OK...Really it is. Try not to project to far into the future. Just focus on what you do have control over and leave the rest to the "powers that be" me...they know what they are doing and things are gonna be fine...
    My grandma always said to me ....You can shake the bottle of milk up all you want...then given enough time, the cream will always rise to the top..It is natural law and it can be no other way...except of course if the milk is pasteurized ....LOL
    You get the jist of what i am saying and what I am saying is .....YOU, MY DEAR ROGER ...Are the CREAM !!!!!! I am only a PM away if you ever need to talk.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



      T - What I have learned (in my infinite wisdom LOL!) is that those thoughts that keep you awake at night just never get solved in the night time. Next time they wake you up just tell yourself that everything will be more rational in the morning light. I've never solved a problem by worrying it to death in the middle of the night in bed.

      Treat yourself nice. Go get an ice cream or something and tell yourself what a kind man you are.
      vegan zombies want your grains



        hey tirgs...

        ...i know exactly how you feel.I feel very much the same at the minute.My 2 youngest kids are starting high school in september and i'm at a standstill regarding what i was put on this earth for..:huh:
        My kids aren't "kids" anymore.(10,11,16)they do ther own thing and i just ensure they have a clean home,clean clothes,good food an the like but they are getting older and less needy,leaving me too much time on my hands.
        I would love to embark on a new career or hobby but i just can't find what it is i want to do......?
        I started writing a book,and it's great..but i'm stuck at chapter 6 and can't seem to get any further...
        My life has come to a crossroads and aside from tackling my al issues i just don't have a clue to where i'm headed.
        Winning the lottery would probably help!
        Sorry,,,this post hasn't been much help to you but i just wanted you to know you're not alone in your way of thinking right now..
        Hey,and you have your gf.I've just ended a 4yr relationship.....i love him but we had no plans for the future..we wer just muddling along in this mundane thing called life.
        So i'm newly single and working on being af...(with difficulty)
        Trying to think of this as a new chapter in my life but struggling to find a purpose!

        your posts always make good reading tirgs,,,!
        take care
        annie xx
        "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
        Bring it on!



          T, lots of support and good vibes coming your way. I've been in that dark place of the unknown and felt the fear. It's not a good place to be. All I know is that you do live through it. Life has a way of just....going matter how we try to think it through or work the options. The tough bit is getting through when it seems like there are few options. All I can say to you is try to be relaxed, feed your brain with knowledge and stories of how other people made it through hard times - look at movies or get a book that tells you about people in strife and their perspective.
          I think your a very special person with much to offer the world, and all of that has to count for something. Be well, Ann.:yourespecial:



            thankx evie i get with you are say the jist ..

            cycle yeah ice cream sounds good but i tooth hurts again .. but thankx for the laugh

            annie yes crossroads i know how it feels about kids .. in so many way i feel i lost alot of them just in the past wish i could have been there more.. but now a try to do the best thing and i know they have their own life now .. but i do miss them when they are not with me ..and i know they love me
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



              We are all here for you T. . .

              I love what Zen suggested . . .

              That's what I love about MWO there are always fresh answers to be had. Positive thoughts to behold and Wonderful ppl. to come to for support!

              Most Excellent!




                Zenstyle;602071 wrote: Hey Mr T... it really is a worry for so many people just now. So many people in the same boat. I'm having a struggle financially too, as are most of my friends and acquaintances. A few years ago we were all coasting along, and now this. I know exactly how you feel.

                What are dog lots? Is that like a dog run? If so, how about going round all the vets and putting signs up there? They're usually lenient. And pet shops and breeders.
                yes zen dog runs and kennels and that a great idea to go to pet shops and post signs thank you
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  FEELS LIKE A STORM IS ON ITS WAY

                  thank god for what i do have ,a place to stay, kids that love me ..
                  a gf that puts up with me

                  Mr T,

                  Yes, it's scary times right now. Try to keep those positive things in your life formost in your mind. Hang in there and just know you will come out on the other side of all this.

                  Have you thought about selling your kennels on Craigslist? My daughter lives in FL and she is always selling things on it. I don't know much about it but I think there is a place where you can post for jobs. Such as roofing or electrical ect.

                  Hang in there buddy! As Evie said-breath deep and try and relax.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    FEELS LIKE A STORM IS ON ITS WAY

                    T, what are you afraid of "getting caught" for? Selling things out of your home? Sell them on eBay -- there are no problems that way. There was an article in our paper today about the "informal economy" where people are enjoined in start-up businesses (selling food, scrap metal, impromptu flea markets) in order to get by, but are not sanctioned by the city or state. I feel like my own business is screwed, and don't know what to do. I feel down and out as well.


                      FEELS LIKE A STORM IS ON ITS WAY

                      see cs im the unlicense contractor .. the only way i can keep my head above water .. its a bitch when they make it so hard to get license to do what i do .. and it cost so much too to where i can aford it ..
                      there for i dont charge as much as a licensec ontractor..which i do all the work as good and even better .. but down here if i get caught working on a house i can be fine big time .. and most of the time if a permit is call for.. i have the homeowner get it and it come out cheaper for them in the long run
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        FEELS LIKE A STORM IS ON ITS WAY

                        Hi tlrgs.
                        Good luck to you.
                        There are a few of us in a similar situation. I'm lucky in that I only have myself to look after, but I've still had to limit myself to what I really need. Half my cash goes on heating and power supplies. A quarter goes on my cable bill, unbelievably. (I got broadband put in, then decided I don't want a TV, so I binned it. I pay for a broadband connection and the phone line, but I haven't managed to get a hold of a PC yet. I use my brother's and my ex-wife's to get on here, but I'll be getting one soon. I tried to have them take the TV out of the package, but I signed up for a year so I'll just need to wait.I digress..) The rest goes on food. I manage but only just. I really feel for people with children and those with much more pressing worries than I. I apply for 4/5 jobs a week but I hardly ever even get a reply. I have a trade but the bottom's fell out the market for it. I've just got to wait for the upturn which will eventually come. I am trying, though some people have adopted the opinion that I'm just a lazy big scrounger, but that's OK. I know I'm not.
                        Nothing is permanent though. Good times or bad times. We've just got to get up every morning and see what the day brings. It's hard to have a positive approach and it can even feel like I'm kidding myself on at times, but there's nothing else for it.
                        We've got to keep plugging away and not let the ba****ds grind us down.
                        I hope you and everyone on this site finds what they're looking for.
                        Peace and happiness.


                          FEELS LIKE A STORM IS ON ITS WAY

                          Hello T - It's a quandary these days - we are all paying for the cumulative debt - the borrowing against plastic that became the culture of America. I used to wonder years back, "What if everyone had to pay off their credit cards TODAY?" And I wasn't thinking about companies and government borrowing...whoa.

                          I have a kid in college and only a part time job. It is really hard to go from being able to get the things families need, to trying not to increase debts just to pay boring expenses. And the mind battle of it 'not mattering anyway'..can make you nuts if you think on it too hard. It does matter, darn it. Its too hard when you can't make ends meet and you are in 'struggle mode'. Our societies, and culture, may need this adjustment, and will be better for it some day, but its putting so many innocent people through a wringer.

                          So, BREATHE is right, its all we can do. Find ways to laugh with those around you. Find ways to laugh at our culture, take walks in the woods, along the shore, in the mountains. Wake up early and listen to the birds waking up, and just do the best you can. My hubby says, just put one foot in front of the other...sounds boring, but all there is at times.

                          Listen to some great music! What we would do without music? - it is here to sweeten life - go listen to something!


                            FEELS LIKE A STORM IS ON ITS WAY

                            Wow...I thought I was the only one in stagnation! What to do??? How can I afford to move forward? I sell real estate and the past year has been horrible. Should I change careers or go deeper into debt waiting for the rebound? I lay awake worrying about it. The worry and the fear are unbearable at times. Then again, what else can I do that makes more than minimum wage?

                            Just wanted you to know that I feel your pain, as do alot of us on here.

                            Everything I need is within me!


                              FEELS LIKE A STORM IS ON ITS WAY

                              Money has become a huge problem for so many of us today- I have also had my money troubles from time to time but recently I too have experienced the lying awake at night syndrome too. I know we create what happens to us with our thoughts, but it is so hard not to despair when all the bills are piling up and there is no way of paying them.

                              I often get good ideas to make money, I just have problems finding time to execute them.

                              Tlrgs, if I were you I would try the following- make a standard dog kennel, at a decent competitive price for the normal market. Take pictures and then get orders from ebay, craigslist, pet shops, vets etc, most shops will let you put a notice up. You could also talk to vets and wotk out a deal, pay them 10% for any orders you get that mention their names as a referral, or put signs up with tear of tabs and tell them to quote code number '1234' when they make their enquiry, so you know which vet has referred the client.

                              I would have the sample kennel in your garden so if any one wanted to see a live sample, before ordering it would be possible.

                              If anyone asks about permits or anything you can just say it is your hobby you are hoping to make a few extra bob in time for your wedding anniversary to take you wife on a nice break.

                              Once all that is in place I would then start to make a luxury model- this seems to be a fantastic 'niche' while many of us are scratching around trying to make ends meet, there are plenty of folk out there who are doing fine, thank god.

                              You would not have to sell many of these to make a very nice profit- after all the materials are going to cost you the same- it is just what you do with them that is going to be different. I wish I could make them- I think I could sell a ton of them round here.

                              And again advertise them using free methods, or stick it in a prominent place in your garden and sit next to it reading a book. I don't think you would even need a 'for sale' sign- people would come up and ask you

