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    Hi. Its Bella.

    How do you all deal with it when the craving comes? My trigger to drink is when i feel flat, fed up, neglected, let down. Tonight is one of those times and i have given in. People say ..."have a luxurious bath, paint your nails, pamper yourself, go for a run...but i cant do any of those things....i have a baby. So please ...maybe you mums or dads out do you do it? I CAN moderate and DO moderate 90 % of the time but this 10% time i just want to get blasted...I wont though...I cant risk anything bad happening.(again)! I just need some wise words from those of you who understand and have been there. Thanks. Bell XXXX


    Hi Bella, it's the age old question huh?? What to do when you want a drink & feel really uncomfortable...I'm not very good at it but a couple of things...
    1. I change what I'm doing...if I'm cooking dinner (a major time for me) I stop for even 5 mins & it helps (watch the news for 5 or something)
    2. I try not to let my head into it...the answers no, no argument...if I start trying to rationalise it I'm gone.
    It's hard with a baby, I drank the most after mine were born...really not good, they are little for such a short time (altho it doesn't feel like it at the time!) you don't wanna miss anything.
    Good luck.



      Bella, Im not sure what to say to you except gosh just turn on the news and you see reasons why not to drink around the kids. i dont know about you..but i nursed and drank with my babies and now i see that a woman was arrested for that. Gosh who knew. Anyway..i dont know what to say but one less drink is better than one more in this situation. good luck. you can always stick around here and talk to us all night



        Bella, I have a little one as well. One thing you can do is take baby out for a walk in the stroller. You will get some exercise and some diversion, babies love the walk, and you will feel better afterward. Another trick is the library -- the children's section has toys you can check out, in addition to the usual books etc., and baby can play for awhile. I do understand. Do these things during the day, and maybe you'll feel more energized to stick to your plan by evening.



          I know all about boredom.... but my question is - are you even going to read these posts tomorrow. Sorry, hon, but you come here once in a while....

          I want to help you... how about thinking about meds??? They may help!



            i have read these posts and im getting a plan together to crack this drinking....thanks to you all, Bella XXx



              Good for you Bella!!!

              The first step towards wellness may be more difficult than the first step you took when you learned to walk, but the rewards will be worth it.
              It may be difficult to change a life time of habits, attitude and patterns but it CAN be done. You can create a new you, the you that you would like to be.

              (((Hugs from across the pond)))
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



                Bella, I will say it once again.
                I couldn't have gotten enough AF time under my belt to stay sober and beat the beast without meds...
                I just couldn't do it. I tried and failed...tried and failed...over and over.Having just one med wasn't enough either. I bought every single med and sup that was mentioned on this site and used myself as a Guinea pig until I found out what worked for me. This was DIRT cheap compared to what being an alcoholic cost me.
                Now finally I have almost a year without alcohol controlling me...The meds were the beginning, not the end of the process of getting sober. For those of you who still struggle and haven't tried the path of pills, I would suggest it may be helpful to give you the added help to say NO to the cravings. I no longer crave so I no longer take any meds but I will always have them near by in case that old drinking thinking starts up again.
                Just my opinion ???
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                  Bella so many of us know exactly where you are right now. I have 3 young kids and it's not easy. I know the self imposed guilt etc. Just please keep us in mind and keep coming back.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                    Here's one thing I do:

                    If there is a time where I need or that my hubby can see the evening going down hill, he steps in.

                    One deal that my hubby and I have now put in place is I am not allowed to drink until AFTER the kids are in bed. Or, if we do drink, I am only allowed one until the kids are in bed.

                    It seems to be working for us.

