As I sit here with tears in my eye's (again..I have done more crying in the past 2 day's than Bette Davis did in all her movies).
I hoestly dont know how to thank you all.
To Marbella and oney, you have given me back the notion I had that people really are good at heart.
To everyone that contributed.. thank you
To everyone that sent prayers..good wish's and support..thank you.
The pm's I have been receiving are for me a life line..thank you.
Stepintime.. your points you made are not only founded but sadly the way it is., and I certainly hold no malice to you.
You are welcome to your opinion (then again opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one ...some just stink worse than others
Now more good new's...
Last night (Wednesday) They finally had a bed open up at the homeless now I have a place to stay , a roof over my head and two meals a day..
Also I got to register with a G.P. he has ordered a bunch of tests to see how severe my emphysema is, has taken blood to check my clotting problem he will treat me with what ever medications he feels is best for me when the results all come back in.
I rested very well last night and I feel good today, and that is all because of you wonderful people.
Once again to all my wonderful M.W.O. friends thank you and God bless every single one of you.
With gratitude,
Sean X