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From UKSean...

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    From UKSean...

    Words can not describe the gratitude and "gobsmackedfullness" I am feeling.
    As I sit here with tears in my eye's (again..I have done more crying in the past 2 day's than Bette Davis did in all her movies).
    I hoestly dont know how to thank you all.
    To Marbella and oney, you have given me back the notion I had that people really are good at heart.
    To everyone that contributed.. thank you
    To everyone that sent prayers..good wish's and support..thank you.
    The pm's I have been receiving are for me a life line..thank you.
    Stepintime.. your points you made are not only founded but sadly the way it is., and I certainly hold no malice to you.
    You are welcome to your opinion (then again opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one ...some just stink worse than others) (I'm kidding step )
    Now more good new's...
    Last night (Wednesday) They finally had a bed open up at the homeless now I have a place to stay , a roof over my head and two meals a day..
    Also I got to register with a G.P. he has ordered a bunch of tests to see how severe my emphysema is, has taken blood to check my clotting problem he will treat me with what ever medications he feels is best for me when the results all come back in.
    I rested very well last night and I feel good today, and that is all because of you wonderful people.
    Once again to all my wonderful M.W.O. friends thank you and God bless every single one of you.
    With gratitude,
    Sean X

    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    From UKSean...

    Thank you for checking in, we have all been thinking of you. I am wishing you all the best.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      From UKSean...

      Thanks for keeping us posted Sean, and stay well.


        From UKSean...

        That is great news Sean.
        Onwards and upwards!
        Sending good vibes and strength to you:-)
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          From UKSean...

          Great news Sean and great to hear from you!
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            From UKSean...

            Thank you for putting a lot of people's minds at rest.


              From UKSean...

              Hi Sean

              Glad to hear things are improving, at least you are getting sorted before the Bank Holiday weekend, was worried for you that all the admin people would be off and you would have to wait til next week. Hopefully your GP can write a report to make housing you permanently a priority.

              Just want you to know my thoughts are with you.
              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                From UKSean...

                Hi Sean,

                Just want to add to my best wishes to this thread. I hope you get sorted soon. It's fantastic the support people are giving you from here. It's great to be able to give someone such a lift.

                All the very best,,


                  From UKSean...

                  I did a special prayer for you and visualized you safe and warm with a happy productive future....
                  I will keep praying for ALL the BEST to you Sean !!!!!!!!
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    From UKSean...

                    Good morning Sean,
                    I am so very glad to hear from you and to know that you are safe for the moment. Am thinking about you a lot.
                    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                      From UKSean...

                      It's Been A Long Time


                      It's been a very long time since I've posted or even checked in on the MWO site but this past week I have been a regular "reader." I had a situation that brought me to my knees with my children recently (Easter) that forced me to seek this site and get back on the meds in the hopes of turning a corner. Your thread and story was one of the first ones I read and it brought tears to my eyes and I wanted to help in some sort of way. I'm so glad things look like they are turning a corner for you. Hopefully by my extending a hand in one direction the cause and effect can put others going in other directions...I think it may have. Lord knows I need one right now. Best of luck to you and thanks for keeping us informed as to what is happening as folks do care. I'm proof positive of your story making me want to chime in and come back! See what one person can do and I have to admit it is the care and concern of all the other backers you had here that stepped up to the plate to put the mechanisms in place to make responses happen for you. I don't know all the key players yet but thank you everyone. I like people with big hearts and not afraid to cry - that's why we are humans!



                        From UKSean...

                        I am absolutely delighted things are looking up!!

                        I have a strong belief that things happen for a reason, and while we can't always see the bigger picture and how sleeping in a car park can be a good thing, I think there is someone up there with big plans for Sean.

                        He will now be mixing with people who are working with the homeless/needy/addicts- people who do it for a living, people who are there because they need help and people who volunteer to help. My guess is as Sean gets settled in he will become a very important part of the community there in Brighton and someone who people will turn to for advice, he has been there, done it, and has a few Tshirts in every colour to prove it. He is someone who has been as low as someone can go and managed to find his way to the other side.

                        I did not do anything Sean- you did it. You had the balls to pack up your belongings and leave a country you had known as home for 30 years to move to a town you have never been to before where you did not know a soul, in the hope your future would be brighter than in the country you were leaving behind.
                        That takes ENORMOUS guts.

                        You are the one who has traipsed the streets day in, day out, looking for digs, a doctor, any help you can get from associations and foundations. You are the one who kept your spirits as high as humanly possible, found out where to go for all your immediate needs and were resourceful enough to get to the library and log on and let us know what was happening in your life.

                        I just happened to log on that day and see it- it is not difficult for me to throw a webpage up- and Oney who knows everyone on the site then blasted the message around- to a bunch of huge-hearted people. We may be alkies, and we may bicker, but deep down we're OK But really Sean you did it- not us.

                        I just know things are going to get better and better for you- it is going to be a long uphill slog, do doubt about that, but you are courageous, practical, and optimistic among many other things.

                        Now please do us all a favour, and try to forget the awful week you have gone through and enjoy the bank holiday tomorrow!

                        Brighton is actually a beautiful town (when you have a few bob in your pocket) go to the end of the pier, rent a deckchair, and enjoy the biggest newspaper bundle of fish of chips that you can buy!!

                        We have another $60 here for Sean from Paypal plus around $5 more from the clicky things- so I will post that to Sean in euro notes to the address I have (will confirm by PM Sean).

                        I will divide it into 2 separate lots, but my family and I have sent money this way for years, birthdays, Xmas etc, and nothing has ever gone astray. As Brighton is a tourist town with loads of European visitors, I am sure many places accept euros, therefore he probably wont have to bother changing the notes to spend them.


                          From UKSean...

                          Hi to Sean....I will continue to send positive thoughts to you over the pond....
                          Thanks to Marby for all your are one hell of a lady!!!
                          Love, Krigs
                          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                            From UKSean...

                            :wd: I am SO thrilled for you, Sean!!!

                            I cannot even express how happy I am for you!

                            Things will only get better from here. I am so happy to hear you have a GP to help you with your ailments. That is so wonderful.

                            Marby - a job well done!


                              From UKSean...

                              I have got the biggest smile on my face right now !
                              Sean I am delighted for you.
                              I am also so grateful to be part of this amazing community.
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

