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Im sorry

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    Im sorry

    Hi....i want to say Im sorry to you all. Thankyou for tryng to help me but I need to help myself first and its just not happening. Cymru is right....harsh(!) but right and thankyou for that.... I have decided to go off MWO for a while, i think I need to do this on my own as I have been here a long time and things just arnt getting better. I need to sort myself out. So thankyou all of you wonderful, strong people....I must a get a grip on this and take some control back that alcohol has robbed from me. All the best to you all. Your friend, Bella XXXXXX

    Im sorry

    Bella feel free to stay in touch, my e-mail address is on my profile. Hon I wish you the best and will miss you. :l


      Im sorry

      Bella, oh my word. Please use MWO as a tool to addition to whatever you may need!

      I think you don' t log in enough, hon. I think being a regular on this site may just help you. Kind of like AA?

      Heaven knows I am NOT perfect in this not drinking thing. The thing is that I am drinking about 90% less than I did before checking in here every day. Please give it a try.

      I know how life can be so redundant and isolated. I drink a lot of the times out of sheer boredom. The things is that I am drinking so much less coming here.

      Just know that we care about you. I will PM you my email address as well. I work, live and breathe on the computer, so I am only a PM away. OK?


        Im sorry

        Stay with us Bella.
        You'll get there.....


          Im sorry

          Seroiusly! Bella!!
          Leaving MWO ain't gonna help you!
          Stay close, we are here for you
          Talk to us.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Im sorry

            Hey bella:

            Glad you are ok. I was worried about you last night.


              Im sorry

              Bella I wish you the very best. I hope that you do decide to stick around and talk to people that can really help you. There are so many here that have been right where you are right now. Don't give up.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Im sorry

                Hi Bella. I can only speak for myself, but for me isolation INCREASED my drinking. I wanted to be completely left alone to drink. That might not be the situation with you, but that was a concern that came to mind when I read your post. So I figured I'd just put it out there in case it's of any use to you.

                I wish you strength in your search for your answers to the alcohol problem. The AL beast certainly is cunning, baffling and powerful.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Im sorry

                  we are here to help and lets do it together bella
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    Im sorry

                    Bella, there is no need to be sorry, we all know where you are coming from.

                    Make a plan, decide what method you want to try and go for it, with every single resource that is out there.

                    I prayed for years for a solution, and in my case it is in the form of Naltrexone- for others it's AA, SMART, some get on well with Antabuse, Topa and/or supps, and some manage without anything.

                    Research, research, and more research, see what is working for others, ask questions, send PMs, until you are sure you have every single tool available to you at your disposal.

                    You will get there, don't give up, by all means don't come here if you think it isn't helping, but I think you might be well to come here to research and discover what is working for people, instead of coming to chat after a drink.

                    I would be delighted to answer any PMs/questions about Naltrexone, as I am sure others will be regarding other methods.


                      Im sorry

                      Bella, I find at my weakest moments (which when I am alone) I have a much harder time than when I have support from others. MWO is your family, it is my family. If you must leave, how about a compromise- read posts, just don't post
                      Please think hard about leaving- but if you do, WE WILL ALL BE HERE FOR YOU!
                      when you want to come back
                      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                      • Yesterday is History
                        Today is a Mystery
                        Tomorrow is a GIFT


                        Im sorry

                        Maybe if MWO isn't helping, you need to replace us with others, another approach, maybe Smart Recovery. But don't leave here without getting the support you need.
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          Im sorry

                          Bella, stick around. Don't be discouraged by negative comments either. We've all made mistakes and you obviously want to be here. As I suggested to you on your other thread, if you post when you are drunk and don't remember, write yourself a note where you will find it to read what you wrote. It may help you if you actually read back what you posted when drinking. Not that I'm saying you don't. Just trying to be helpful in helping you stick around.
                          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                          AF May 23 09 to July 09
                          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                            Im sorry

                            Dear Bella,

                            I am listening.
                            I am sorting out your words , a sylliable at a time, because they are precious for they represent your spirit.

                            You speak of "it" "not happening".
                            You speak of "sorting yourself out".
                            You speak of " getting a grip/ taking control".

                            You ARE robbed.
                            For there is no "IT' to happen.
                            There is no "sorting of yourself".
                            There is no grip that can take control.

                            Yet once you separate you from this disorder there is a happening.
                            There you are in order, arranging matters because your original personality is not out of sorts. There is no sorting yourself out. It is a heartbeat away.

                            I can assure as my knuckles are white with grief, that once one can let go of the forced grip that seems to manage in a distorted way a means of control there is an instant moment of relief.

                            You are as certain as you are now.
                            You are also facing the same voice I do that clouds my judgement.

                            Shame is trying to fit you in.
                            Shame is wanting you to believe that from this moment past if you drank, "It is not happening" and so, why not exit stage left.

                            The lie is your enemy. Treat the lie with an engaging thought and then let "it" sort its self out.
                            Out, no longer amongst your puriest ideas and original personalities expression.

                            I understand the sense of abandonment that creates even more isolation.

                            There is a door that opens from the inside once you approach and I will be one amongst many that will await your prescence if you happen to refuse to be robbed of your deserved love.

                            Rest your mind.
                            Then mind your rest with passion.

                            " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                              Im sorry

                              Read Theme's post. If you have ever 'heard' anything in your life-try and hear this. Read it again.
                              I know I will.
                              Very interesting read.

