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Diving Back In

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    Diving Back In

    Hello, all you new and old wonderful people. I've been here before, but lost my way and now I'm back. I wasn't sure where to start writing...newbie? yes, because I am starting over with sobriety, but I also wanted to connect with those who are still here from the "old days".
    I thought I was having a pretty easy time of going AF. I remember the physical and psychological cravings as being much stronger last time. I've been AF for 5 days, using Ativan at night and a bit during the day as needed to help with the detox. Oh, this isn't so bad!
    Pow. Well, it's not that easy, is it? So, I just pulled out all my supps that I had left over from last time (checked exp. dates), and thought that maybe I need to do a little more than just "not drink" and take Ativan.
    And, I need to "jump back in the pool" for support. I had a long talk with my husband last night, and he's not willing to be my "support person" as opposed to last time, when he held my hand and talked me through some of the tough times (before I found this site, and learned to trust the people here). This is on the advice of his therapist, and it's probably healthy advice...but she also told him that just because I've chosen to stop drinking, it doesn't mean he has to. He'd agreed to stop with me, as we both know the negative effects of alcohol on the body, and he was drinking almost as much as me, but can go know the type. I envy them.
    I'm rambling a bit, just so I get this out there before I begin the self-editing I'm prone to do.
    I'm here.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

    Diving Back In

    I am one of the Newbies, but I just wanted to say Welcome back!! Glad you came back and I look forward to getting to know you. :welcome:


      Diving Back In

      Welcome back. You know your husband is probably not the right support person for you. You need someone who understands addiction. We are all here for you. Im not sure if you have tried AA. I use that in conjunction with this


        Diving Back In

        WELCOME. Stay close We are a great bunch of buddys and My sobriety has been over 6 months thanks to everyone at MWO. Post and Read posts, we are all in this together
        Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
        And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

        • Yesterday is History
          Today is a Mystery
          Tomorrow is a GIFT


          Diving Back In

          newbee too

          I am a newbee too, and have been AF for 14days. I almost slipped tonight after working with children for about 14 hrs today. I purposely did not go by the store and I ate something. I tended to drink instead of eat in the evenings. It is extremely hard and my mind has been playing tricks on me, telling me I can just have one to relax. I really miss it and feel a bit tired and depressed this week. I was really wired the first week, probably from the shakes. Anyway, just wanted to say hang in there and all of the post really help. I read them all the time to remind me I can do this. Weekend will be hard.


            Diving Back In

            Hi Tamadre -- I remember you!
            I too have come in and out and have found that staying in is better for me. Best of luck on your new journey!


              Diving Back In

              hi and welcome back!

              :welcome::welcome:I am not sure if I remember you or not, have been around a year and 1/2 this time was here a few years ago under my real name, but whatever, you are in a good place, we are all here for you, let us know how we can help, or just post and post to get your feelings down and in front of you, easier to see and deal with that way............................................... ..

              and as they say, don't drink even if your ass falls off!

              I am trying to do just that, not easy!!!

              Mary Anne:l:h
              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

