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    Read a thread yesterday with regards to the CD's - cannot remember who posted it - but how the fiddlestix did that peron know that the Guy Who Talks is called ... Brian..... ?????????

    No mention anywhere... Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h


    Brian is a member here. Sunshinebrian from NYC......
    The guy on the cds is James!

    Veryyyyyyyyy nice!!!

    I think James did the newer abs cds also.

    Nancy & Belle
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10



      Abs Cds

      I bought the Abs Cds initially - and I think that James' voice is very lulling. ' very .... Verrrrry ... Nice ....' to coin his phrase - So Yes Nancy - It Must be James !!!! which is really soothing, although I couldn't help giggling out loud at first- but now have learnt his voice and as I say, is calming... I prefer to listen to the hypnotic to go to sleep...
      I know I have been a daft 'ape - ath'... That means halfpennyworth in Liverpool language - which means you have let yourself down... But not looked at my computer for over a week and my Topa and Vali are on their way - ( Only 10mgs x 30 of Val) So will all be all over in 10 days - then can join you again properly. ... Then Topa I reckon, I have Kudzu and L-Glut - but because I won't go for conunselling then I think Topa is the answer for me from reading your stories - Though is Jolly expensive.. Let's hope it gets here. because as you know I have gone down the doctor route. And am now doin for myself sisters ( and that includes you Matt 'n' me ole Macks)
      Well hope I haven't been too much of a peach !!! ( in England that is an Ar*se) XXX


      Thanks for clearing that up Nancy- I do get Really Paranoid - and also for the answer with regards to Barry and the Lenair - you see - PARANOIA kicked in again..

      I thank you once again for your support - and I know you think I'm probably as nutty as peanut butter... but THANK YOU



        it's all cool

