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    Why is it that we have a few drinks and feel ourselves getting drunk and know we should stop and go back for more and more until we?re incapable of stopping?

    For me, it is a trigger in my brain. Since I have experienced being AF for a longish period of time I notice the trigger starting when I do drink. Hence I stop if I am being sensible.

    If I am emotionally upset I ignore that trigger, even tho I know what will probably happen. I know that it will cause me HUGE grief. I know that I will regret it. I know that I am being stupid. I know I am better without AL in my system. So WHY?

    I am looking at myself in a new light now that I managed to get of the AL after so many years of abusing myself. What I am seeing is a pattern of self abuse. I don?t need to drink. I feel happier when I?m sober. But that happiness is not something I deserve in my mind ? I think.

    Another MWO member suggested this to me and I haven?t stopped thinking about it. I don?t think I do believe I deserve happiness, so I destroy it. Thinking back, I have destroyed so many relationships. Good relationships and WHY? Because those men I believed were too good to be involved with me.

    I still believe I am not good enough to be loved by anyone and after reading some research posted by another member, I am starting to understand. My father abandoned us when I was 8. I was also nearly raped when I was 8. My quick thinking saved me. I have always been quick on my feet. However, I felt guilty about that near rape for most of my life. It wasn?t my fault, I know that, but I still felt guilty. The fact that I still think about it makes me wonder if I have been hiding my emotions behind a bottle because of the abandonment and that assault. Only a couple of people know about the assault because I have always felt ashamed.

    I had some sessions with a psychologist a couple of years back and I tried to talk to her about it, but she was more interested in getting me to practice Buddhism. I can see what she was trying to do, but she just was not really helpful.

    I find it very hard to talk about my feelings. LOL. You would never think so after some of my posts. It?s easy being anonymous, but I don?t feel anonymous here anymore, so all I can say is being here is making it easier to look at myself and try to love me for being me. Other people seem to like me, so why don?t I like myself?

    A post that did make me think when I was newly AF was ?What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror?? I saw the person I wanted to be. That was the first time I?d seen that person and I liked it.

    After my recent stupid binge I saw the person I?d always seen before. Someone I hated.

    Anyway, just a post that I felt I needed to write. I still have some major self examination to do.
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


    Yeah, I was thinking that they call it alcohol abuse for a reason...we abuse ourselves with alcohol. It's poison, makes us sick, makes us do stupid things, makes us disrespect ourselves & others disrespect us...
    You went through some heavy stuff at a very impressionable age, and you pose some valuable points worth consideration.
    Pan, you really sound so much happier & more together when you're not drinking...I;m really so glad you didn't give up & let the binge go on. :l



      Pan. I will say this, loud, and proud. I LOVE YOU, for you, and you are an asset to this site. Thanks for your post...... I didn't abuse alcohol, i abused myself. Great you've found your resolve again. We need you.........x

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
        AF May 23 09 to July 09
        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

