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I know I am getting divorced and all BUT...
I know I am getting divorced and all BUT...
So accordin to our Mediator we were supposed to make a sched to spend seperate time with the kids to get them used to the idea of being alone w/one parent. Tnight was supposed to be both our nite, but he was supposed to do the bedtime stuff. He did and they went to bed very late (after 11) b/c they watched a special movie. BUT I woke up a little before 4 am to go to the bathroom and saw he wasn't in his room. Looked outside b/c he usually hangs out in the garage. He is not home!!!Oh but kind man left me a note. So I guess it is OK for him to disappear in the night. He said he went to his friend Dan's & would call in the morning. Yeah he is at Dan's and I am the Qeen of Shieba!
One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.Tags: None
I know I am getting divorced and all BUT...
hi t mom, sorry to hear of your situation,i don't know how u feel,my wife,more her,has endured a lot with me,in many the same way ,me,doing the lost soul thing,ive really never appreciated her more then now,2 way thing,but its not the drinking any more,its my health,a lot of people in life forget the old saying,when the times get tough,the tough get going,i thot that included problems in the marriage,i once said,even tho i have an alcohol problem,is that not what our vows meant, IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH,ask him when its your turn ,just to pick up,whenever,and leave,i wish you well gyco
I know I am getting divorced and all BUT...
Twins.... I can empathize, I really can. I lived that and it is torturous. A part of me wanted to believe him, give him the benefit of the doubt. But it wasn't true. When I said for better or worse I did so with the promise of honesty and fidelity. I refuse to have a life partner who cannot grasp those two things. Keep a dated journal. it will help you sort your feelings and it may come in handy. Try to detach yourself from his doings and focus on yourself. You'll come out bright and shiney on the other side! :lsigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
I know I am getting divorced and all BUT...
Twins mom, so sorry, divorce is never easy on anyone, is there a way to prevent your ex and you being in the same house overnight? No one wants to know what is going on in the ex's life after a break. Hang in there. Greeneyes has a good suggestion about keeping a journal, that will help sort your feelings. Hugs....."Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance
I know I am getting divorced and all BUT...
I too know how you feel. I hope that no matter what happens you can focus on yourself and your chidren. That is what is truly important right now. It may seem easy for me to say, but having just gone through a divorce I can tell you how important it is right now. Stay close to this site. There are so many here that can relate to what you are going through.
I know I am getting divorced and all BUT...
Hey there TM . . .
I remember a time years ago when my dad came home with 4 scratchs on his face. I asked him what happened and he said it was a stray cat, my brother later told me it was a girl from the lounge Dad used to work at. My mom stuck by him for a number of years afterwards and the fighting was volcanized. I only wished they would divorce so we would not have to listened to the screaming, yelling and ranting. It changes a child (and not in a good way).
All the Best to you TMommy, stay close - you can get through this. There are many people in your shoes who can help in so many ways.