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A big thank you to one2many!

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    A big thank you to one2many!

    We had lay offs today. I did not get laid off, but 3 of my good friends did. Worked with them for over 10 years. It hit really close this time, and was pretty much an awful day of crying, sadness, and goodbyes.

    I was sitting here, at my desk thinking about a bottle of wine, with all those reasons why it would be okay fluttering through my head. I looked at this site for help, but then thought against writing anything. Went back to my thoughts of wine, deciding again that it would be okay. Then again, back here I come just to leave again with the decision to blow ya'll off and get the wine. WELL, after one last jump back in here, I caught one2many's post about "A Turning Point". It just really hit home to me and I'm here writing. I don't want to be that person described in the story. I want to be me, the real me.

    Thank you one2many - you've just gotten me through today.
    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

    A big thank you to one2many!

    Where do I find this inspiring story?

    D2M, with at least 2 bottles of wine and a silent house (I so much love peace and quiet) and every instinct saying go for it, relax. . .


      A big thank you to one2many!

      I"m crying. I'm so relieved it wasn't me, sad for them, glad I'm not drinking, and thankful I found your story. It was the perfect image at the perfect time!
      "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


        A big thank you to one2many!

        pan, i have worked at the same company (including takeovers) for 21 years. My sister 17 years (same company). She got laid off a couple of months ago. She was sending me instant messages as it was happening. So awful. I watched my first manager go and so many people with so much experience go. It sucks. There isnt any good answer. My thougths are with you

