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    Hi all

    Hi all,
    For those who know me im at the docs at 9.30am tomorrow..Tried the home detox earlier on this year but back to drinking now with a vengence..I was offered a 3 week detox last time and turned it down...I'm gonna take it tomorow...I think theres a wait of a few weeks but im going for it..Those who know me know i said id never leave my family again.."Never do that again"...Well i think i have to...I never woke up wanting a drink...i never not cared...but its getting like that now.....3 weeks sounds and feels like a lifetime from my lovely family but i know in the long run its the best decision..Very scared though..the last place was no picnic..I have never felt so low and so insecure thinking my wife and kids could do so much better without me..And me being out of their lives for a period of time would cement that..

    Im beered up now, not in the best frame of mind..but enough to know what im babbling on about..I have the support..I have the dream family......Just on a very low ebb..

    Let you know what happens tomorrow..

    Love as always Macks:l
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Hi all

    Hi Mackeral, Long time since I've heard from you.
    Scared as you may be, do it. It may well save your life. It is no picnic... nor is waking up hung over year after year, and all the attendant misery and stress it brings. If detox is being offered, please take it.
    Your family is sticking with you, so why would you not want their love and support? Why think about leaving them? You're sounding very down at the moment, why not get to bed have a good sleep if you can and look at things tomorrow morning.... (which is what it is here in Australia.)

    Please Mack, take it easy on yourself, be kind to yourself.


      Hi all

      While you should not do this for your family, you should do this for you. Then you will realize what a great gift you have given your family. Good Luck to you.


        Hi all

        You are always so honest and sincere, and I know that sweet wife and family will be there for you at the end of this three weeks. You care so much about this struggle as well as your family... how they feel, and that is a wonderful thing about you.

        Sending much love and support to you. I hope Mrs. Macks will check in for any support she needs during your time away as we will be here.

        P4T :l
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          Hi all

          Macks, it sounds like you are ready to do that and it is something you and your family need. Wishing you the best!


            Hi all

            God bless
            Finally Free


              Hi all

              All the best Macks. People do beat the booze addiction and I am pulling for you and believing in you.


                Hi all

                Macks, drink some water and you will beat it again. You have been so successful before. Please check in.


                  Hi all

                  Macks, strength to you mate. I'm so glad you have the resources to get some proper help and are doing so. Please let us know how you're getting on when you have the chance. Love to you and your dear family.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Hi all

                    Macks, you will get through this buddy. And Lisa and the kids will be waiting for you with open arms. You take care. There is lots of strength coming your way.
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Hi all

                      Strength and support to you and Mrs Macks!!
                      You can do it!!!
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Hi all

                        Hi all

                        Thanks for good wishes, just got back from docs and he has told me to start reducing my alcahol intake immediatly as he does'nt think it will take me too long to get in there which is great..The other thing is though he wants me to go back for blood tests this afternoon..I told him i was getting pains in my stomach and shoulder..He got me to lie on the bed and pressed a part of my stomach which really hurt..He said it was my pancreas...I'm a bit worried as blood test appointments usually take a few days but im back for them later today..
                        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                          Hi all

                          Good luck Macks.
                          Try not to worry too much. (easy for me to say).
                          It's for the best in the long run. Whatever it takes is the right thing.


                            Hi all

                            Good to hear from you Mr M.
                            I know its hard not to worry, but you are doing the right thing by going to the docs and starting to make a plan as to what you want to do. Have you thought about AA? I know its not for everyone, but for me it has been a life saver.
                            All the best mate.
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Hi all

                              Hi Cy,

                              Yeah i tried the AA thing, i'm not that good at talking to groups..I sound more pissed than when i am.
                              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

