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Army Thread 5th May

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    Army Thread 5th May

    Good Morning all,

    Well today is the day when I am released from my works contract after nearly 14 years. I am officially unemployed. Scary scary.
    I am going either today or tomorrow to sign up for benefits. That will be an eye opener I am sure.
    I am also taking a couple of courses this week, interview skills and CV writing, so that should be interesting....
    So here goes the rest of my life...
    Have a great and sober day all.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 5th May

    Morning Starts & all to come, that is scary...and the benefits office is always a special place!!! But one door closes another opens & all that. Stay strong, mate, through this tough thoughts are with you, have you thought anymore about councelling (sp?)
    Hey I was also wondering, have you heard from Kaponium lately?? Haven't seen her pop up for ages...


      Army Thread 5th May

      Hi Angel, yes, I want to work in the addiction field and have applied to volunteer for an organisation but have heard nothing back yet. Its what I really want to do, but will have to forgo a salary to re train. Exciting and scary times too.
      Not heard from Kap for ages, I hope she is ok....
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 5th May

        Hi Angel
        I hope all goes well for you today, GOOD LUCK!. I was sober for 6 years & trained as an addictions counsellor unfortunately i relapsed 4 years ago, but im day8 AF and feeling great again. I wouldnt go back to addiction counselling i found it very hypocritical & judgemental where i worked i believe it was one of the reasons for my relapse, but all the best if its what you want. I find this site & all who post on it a real aid to my sobriety, thanks to you all.
        Vogue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


          Army Thread 5th May

          Hi Vogue, I would love to find out more about your training and thoughts on this field? do you mind if I pm you with some questions later?
          Well done on the 8 days too!
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread 5th May

            Good morning everyone.
            Keep on keeping on!


              Army Thread 5th May

              You'll do great whatever you choose is scary though, esp. forgoing the salary...
              Nighty nite


                Army Thread 5th May

                Good night angelcakes
                Keep on keeping on!


                  Army Thread 5th May

                  Morning all, I hope you all have a lovely day today- mine was pretty crappers yesterday!

                  However I took my naltrexone at the usual time, and was pleased and a bit surprised to see that I had no more urge to drink than on any other day, although the cravings had been a bit high earlier on in the day.

                  Thank God for the naltrexone, it really has been a life saver for me- I urge anyone who is struggling to give it a go.


                    Army Thread 5th May


                    It is so heartening to hear you are doing so well on the Naltrexone. Good on you!!

                    Starty, good luck on the new life. I hope a wonderful opportunity presents itself and you end up better off than ever before!!

                    Everyone else, "Hi!!"

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Army Thread 5th May


                      I was thinking of you yesterday and wondering if you are still on it? I am not following the Sinclair method to a tee anymore, because I found if I didn't drink for a day or two, and therefore didn't take the Nal, when I took it again I was getting some of the side effects back. Therefore I just take it everyday regardless of the cravings- that seems to work best for me...

                      But I suspect my sensitivity to medication is why it has worked so well for me.


                        Army Thread 5th May


                        My doctor doesn't want me to take it due to all my other meds. So no Naltrexone for me.

                        She did put me on Lexapro and Abilify which are doing wonders for me mentally.

                        I also have to take a ton of other drugs for my cluster headaches.

                        Still doing good, though. :-)

                        Oney, come on over and we can sit and play Blackjack at a table and drink AF all night!!

                        I sure hope I can make it through round 1. I am scared.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Army Thread 5th May

                          I wrote a post last night as I was completely pissed off and wanted to vent- then I thought there was no point in depressing everyone else, so I did not post it, but after a night's sleep parts of it seem quite funny- here was my day yesterday-

                          Here is how mine went:

                          Left the house at 9.15 am to take two of my dogs to a pre-arranged hair cutting appointment.

                          Dropped them off then went to the bank as my mortgage is overdue- 35 people standing in line- only one desk open- I kid you not.

                          Decided to do the bank later and took my lovely Diana to the vet- she is about 14, I found her as a stray, and have had her 10 years.
                          He told me she probably will only last another week or so. It would have almost been better if he had advised putting her to sleep today- I am going to find it very difficult waking up to see if she can get through another day when I am away for many hours everyday, 7 days a week- worrying that she may have a fall and not be able to get up while she is alone.

                          Went to get some fruit and veg from the wholesalers for the shop- they only had rotten fruit and veg- the very same stuff they had when they closed on Friday mid-day. Parted with a big chunk of cash for some rotten fruit and veg.

                          Went to the Post Office in the hope that a book I ordered nearly a month ago from the UK would be there- it wasn’t- it obviously has got lost. While there a fat man blatantly pushed in front of me in the queue- I was desperately trying to keep my mood even and did not say anything.

                          Went back for my dogs- I was told to collect them at 12.30- I arrived 10 minutes late. Both of them were only half done and locked in a tiny glass cage each. Both cried when they saw me because they clearly needed to get out. Dogdresser told me my presence was upsetting them and asked me to leave. I was told to come back an hour later. Dog hairdresser was cutting another dog’s hair- obviously more important to her than me and my dogs.

                          Went back to the bank, only 27 people in the queue. Decided not to wait there and sat in an internet cafe for 45 minutes, spending 1 euro for each 15 minutes internet.

                          Went back to the hairdressers, and as I was about to push the door open saw the hairdresser cruelly shove my dogs head round that he yelped- she had his head tied in a brace and he was obviously in discomfort anyway, he did not need more pain inflicted.

                          Went home to drop the dogs off- they went mad to get water, we had left the house at 9.15am and it was now after 2 pm- mean bitch dog hairdresser had not even given them water. My neighbour was still there- she normally only stays for the weekend but her husband had to work today and she did not- so she asked me to get her some groceries from my shop- we live in the middle of nowhere and he had taken the car. Well- it is only a half hour round trip to my shop and back. *sigh*.

                          Did that and took the groceries back for her- she did not have enough money, and did not ask if it was OK- she just assumed it was as it is my shop and we are neighbours.

                          Got back to the shop very late and poor BF (who I made late for his afternoon work- he does the mornings for me) tried to quickly adjust a display on his way out, and knocked the whole shelf unit over, breaking and denting a large number of items.

                          We managed to clean it up, just as a lorry drove past the shop, tearing down the low hanging telephone cables, so I am now without internet and telephone in the shop.

                          Phoned the telephone company up and an Indian replied who did not seem to have much grasp of either English or Spanish.

                          A gypsy girl then came into the shop asking to buy some hair gel- but I had to tell her to leave as her family owe lots of money and are habitual thieves, but felt very sorry for the poor little girl- it is not her fault her family suck, but I cannot sell any of the family anything- or allow them in- it is asking for trouble.

                          I Need to cry over my dog that will need to be put to sleep soon, but I can’t as we live in one room, and BF can’t cope with shows of emotion even when it is nothing to do with him.

                          If there is one good thing that happened it is I did not eat much- I have probably lost a pound or two.

                          I hope everyone else fared better.


                            Army Thread 5th May

                            Cinders;607404 wrote: Marby,

                            My doctor doesn't want me to take it due to all my other meds. So no Naltrexone for me.

                            She did put me on Lexapro and Abilify which are doing wonders for me mentally.

                            I also have to take a ton of other drugs for my cluster headaches.

                            Still doing good, though. :-)

                            Oney, come on over and we can sit and play Blackjack at a table and drink AF all night!!

                            I sure hope I can make it through round 1. I am scared.

                            As long as something is working, we don't really care what it is do we?

                            The headaches must be awful.

                            Good luck, you will win!!


                              Army Thread 5th May

                              It's OK thanks Oney, I can contact Amazon, I expect they will send another as I am a good customer.

                              I feel a lot better today (although my neighbour has roped me into taking her to the station, when I don't really have time) my dog is very old- she is somewhere between 13 and 16- and she is a big dog, so that is a very good age. It is just something I have to go through- it isn't the first time and won't be the last- unfortunately it's the downside off having dogs- they never seem to just slip quietly away in their sleep- there always has to be drama- getting them to the vet to have them put to sleep is just the worse thing.

                              Well I better get off- bloody neighbour is waiting

