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Army Thread 5th May

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    Army Thread 5th May

    Another thing- I also noticed the little gypsy girl was covered in scratches. They were very fine. like cat scratches, but all over her shoulders and chest (she had a vest top on). It didn't really register at the time, but I woke up this morning and it was on my mind- they really are a rotten family- she is only about 8.


      Army Thread 5th May

      Marby, you poor love!!
      My heart is going out to you and your dog...heartbreaking I know.
      Yes, Oney is right, just look after you today...easier said than done, but if you can do so...
      Lots of love and hugs to you xxx
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 5th May

        Good to see you Cindi and great stuff about the Blackjack! Isnt it wonderful to be inspired about something?
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Army Thread 5th May

          My neighbour is quite kind really- she would help me, so I cannot complain too much, she just always asks at a bad moment- she has a knack for it- like she shouts my name when I am on the loo- never when I am hanging round bored, looking for some company.


            Army Thread 5th May

            one2many;607426 wrote: Awwhhhh Jesus Marbs, poor little kid......that would definitely play on your mind.....I hope the child is ok.
            I know- I will keep my eye out- there is a woman who comes in the shop who knows them (she helped another daughter of theirs who turned up here when they were away) she is a nurse, so must be familiar with that type of awful stuff- I will ask her what she thinks.


              Army Thread 5th May

              Marby, I had to laugh....sorry, but just had a wonderful pic of you on the loo and neighbour woo hooing at your door. Bet your face is a picture when she does that :-)
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army Thread 5th May

                Just tried to turn the hot water on, but the boiler seems to have given up- methinks it could be another one of those days- off to jump into a cold shower- and the sun has gone in, a black cloud is coming our way.


                  Army Thread 5th May

                  startingover;607432 wrote: Marby, I had to laugh....sorry, but just had a wonderful pic of you on the loo and neighbour woo hooing at your door. Bet your face is a picture when she does that :-)
                  LOL, Yes- and the language that comes out of my mouth would make Satan blush.


                    Army Thread 5th May

                    Morning ALL, Startsy, I am ezcited for you Darlin. I know it's scary...going into the GREAT UNKNOWN but that's where your lif'e purpose lies...It's there waiting for yoy...your job is to go and get it.
                    Marby, What a SUCKY DAY !!! Today has to be an improvement. The law of Karma owes you a big hunk of happiness...I have a feeling it's soon on it's way.
                    Cinder's hope the New plan is a good one. I know how hard you have been trying and I habe been praying for some relief to come your way.
                    I have hardly slelp all night. I'm just very edgy and restless. Breaking any addiction isn't easy...even to ice. I ODed on M&M and made myself one sick puppy yesterday. It is pretty hard sitting here alone in the hard...
                    wanting ice
                    NOT WANTING ICE
                    wanting ice
                    NOT WANTING ICE
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Army Thread 5th May

                      Marby, you are a wonderful lady, sometimes as you know these things are sent to test us...or cos we need to learn something....maybe you need to learn to fix the boiler?? Just kidding, hope it might raise a little smile for you xx
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Army Thread 5th May

                        Hi Evie

                        Bloody well done on day 1!!

                        I am going to google it later when I have a moment- is it such a terrible addiction- I mean I guess it's not much good for your teeth, but other than that?


                          Army Thread 5th May

                          Evie, you have made a great first step, you are dealing with it and it will get easier. It did for a while for you didnt it and then your brother died to send you back?
                          Hang in there, you are doing so well.
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 5th May

                            I knew nothing about it, but apparently its quite common....
                            Are you on the iron supps yet?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Army Thread 5th May

                              startingover;607438 wrote: Marby, you are a wonderful lady, sometimes as you know these things are sent to test us...or cos we need to learn something....maybe you need to learn to fix the boiler?? Just kidding, hope it might raise a little smile for you xx
                              LMCTO- I am a plumber's daughter and my diagnosis is the boiler is f*****- only going to the hardware store and shlepping out 300 euros for a new one will fix it

                              But yes it did make me smile :l


                                Army Thread 5th May

                                Morning Folks!
                                You have my very besy wishes Starty for what I'm sure will be a happy and exciting new beginning. You'll be fine, of that I'm certain.

                                I'm feeling good today (I've been up and down like a yo-yo recently). I've been back in Scotland six months today and four of them have been sober ones. I no longer feel spent and useless. I've found some of the spirit of my youth that I thought had been lost to the ravages of time and drink and being alive is no longer the ponderous drudgery that I had made it for myself. There are some things I need to work on and they will get seen to and sorted out. I like my little house and my cat's a great deal of fun and I'm sober

                                A happy and peaceful day to you all.

