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Yup. I get moron of the year award!

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    Yup. I get moron of the year award!


    Please understand that nobody here is trying to be harsh or judgmental with you. So many of us played ping pong with sobriety for so many years and know how difficult and harmful it can be. Many of wished we had friends who had been there before to talk straight with us with lots of love and caring years earlier. That's all we want to do. To try to reach out and help you if we can.

    I needed the help of a therapist and I take topamax. And I would have never stayed sober without MWO. Sometimes we have to reach out to others for other kinds of help. Remember we are always here for you and will never judge you negatively. So many of us have walked in those shoes. But we also know better days can be ahead.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      Yup. I get moron of the year award!

      Twins, i have twins too and am also going through a divorce. Luckily my relapses now get to happen in private. Keep in touch hon


        Yup. I get moron of the year award!

        Hi Polaryzed - :l you should be an inspiration to us all. Thank you :h

        Twinsmommy - I'm sure Polaryzed's reply will have touched you deeply. Don't feel "got at". Sometimes in "cyber" form things don't come across as they are intended - either by the person posting the thread or by the reply to the thread - and then you feel knocked down - don't be. What meds have you got? I've had TOPA and it worked for me but just messed my anti-depressant medication up but I've now got some NAL and so far so good. I think that will really help you. Also - you've got a counsellor - great! Get talking, talking, talking, :blah:. Get if off your chest. I had a counsellor for about 6 months and it's amazing how they can steer you just in the right direction.

        Keep strong, don't beat yourself up and don't allow yourself to be the victim. You're not and to those little twins - you're the most important person in their life :angelgirl::yourespecial:



          Yup. I get moron of the year award!

          Thank you to all for your support and kind words.

          Polar I want to thank you again for sharing your story. In looking back, even yesterday, I realize that the depression and disappointment of messing up again can make one defensive. So even when someone is kindly saying..."HELLO! you need to realize what you are doing!" It can be (or I can take it) taken the wrong way. I realize that that is not what was meant at all. I think when anyone says to me WOW TM here or anywhere I get afraid and defensive b/c I do realize what is going on and could not understand why I could not fix it.

          Swans I was on Topa but had to stop b/c it lowered my blood pressure to a dangerous level.
          I started Naltrexone yesterday and am very happy so far. I am going to work hard with the Nal and really think I can get sorted out this time.
          Thanks again to all of you!
          :l TM
          One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


            Yup. I get moron of the year award!


            When you start the Nal, you may get a 'Honeymoon Period' where it works just fab, then during weeks 2 and 3, your drinking is as out of control as it ever was. If this happens to you, don't worry, don't think it isn't working, it is normal.

            Just keep taking it. Around week 4 or 5 you will find your desire to drink and drinking begin tapering of on it's own accord.


              Yup. I get moron of the year award!

              Thanks Marbella. I will keep that in mind though it scares me, I dodn't want to have anymore of those days. I am going to try to get some AF days under my belt, or as close to AF as I can to hopefully keep weeks 2 and 3 as under control as possible. Will let you know.
              One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


                Yup. I get moron of the year award!

                Hi twinsmommy,

                I came here in November '06 after the birth of my first grandchild, determined to get myself sorted out so that she'd never have to see me drinking the way my children did. You'd think that would be a good enough reason to stop but after months of stopping and starting again I hadn't got much better.
                A lady came on after a posted that I'd caved once again and told me to stop whining and just do it. It wasn't meant in a bad way and it wasn't taken so. It was the boot in the arse I was needing. I stopped drinking for several months after that then like so many others, I decided that I had it beaten and I could try moderating. Ha!! Bad move.
                One of the many good things about this place is that there is such great support given in so many different ways usually for the right reasons and with the best intentions.


                  Yup. I get moron of the year award!

                  twinsmommy;608471 wrote: Thanks Marbella. I will keep that in mind though it scares me, I dodn't want to have anymore of those days. I am going to try to get some AF days under my belt, or as close to AF as I can to hopefully keep weeks 2 and 3 as under control as possible. Will let you know.
                  It is scary, because also you think it is yet another med that isn't working for you that works for so many others.

                  Just try to keep the drinks down during those 2 weeks, and don't panic. Soon after you should notice AF days without you really trying. Just keep taking it during the dodgy time, don't give up on it.


                    Yup. I get moron of the year award!

                    i agree, pola that sounds critical, i am new to the site and the booze is a drug, i don't know any of your stories nor do you know mine, but the fact we have owend up to our awful addiction that is a start, i'm sure. divorce is a horrable thing to go through and i am going through the same, i drink but i stop before i pass out but it is still too much, i function and function well, now i have left my hubbi and now settled in new home new life new begining, i do relapse but its getting less and less. i wish you all the best twins do your best and think of the people you hurt the most maybe that will help, it's helping me.


                      Yup. I get moron of the year award!

                      Hi TwinsMommy . . .

                      Hi TwMommy . . .

                      Just thought I would catch up and also apologize if anyone took my comment earlier as derragatory. It was not meant to be in anyway shape or form.

                      In reading your thread at first the words 'blacked out' are what stuck in my mind and then for whatever reason the thought of that happening when it was your time with the kiddies rather scared me (as I am sure it did you).

                      I realize that you are here with MWO for help and I totally support your every effort. I wish you and your little ones only the best that life has to offer. Please stay close to the awe-inspiring ppl. here . . . along with the other methods you are trying I am positive you will do Great.

                      Place big fat HuGGable here . . . :l

