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help me please...

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    help me please...

    I could use a bit of support about now
    I just quit my job last night... the B*tch was just too much for me to deal with,...
    It was either quit., or or be arrested for assault!
    I'm so Dad gum angry right now...I can't even cuss enouff to make it right.
    My Hubby left to visit a freind over in the valley, probably good that I'm alone today...
    Whenthe goin get's tuf... just fuckin deal w/it
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

    help me please...

    I know I shoud be "delited,".... but I'm still friggin mad.

    Just need to proccess this & I'm alone...
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      help me please...

      We're with ya . . .

      First take some deep cleansing breaths and then Vent lots, it will help! . . .

      One door closes a better one opens, that has always been my experience. And it is usually for the best.

      We are here for you St. Jude . . . be well :l


        help me please...

        thank god you werent arested now you can do what you need and want to do whats best for you
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          help me please...

          Fnny thing ...)( it's a small town here,..:H. the reason I left for 20 yrs!)

          I do have a couple of painting jobs,, already lined up!
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            help me please...

            Everything happens for a reason, Judie. Hang in there.:l
            Toughen up!


              help me please...

              I'm so sorry for your angst. Painting sounds more fun than waitressing, maybe that will turn into something more. None of this is easy as we get older.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                help me please...

                I agree with Delta... everything happens for a reason. There is a much better position for you out there somewhere, and no one deserves to be abused at work. Keep up your spirits any way you can, and know that we are all feeling for you! Hit your pillow and scream and holler. Take care! :l


                  help me please...



                    help me please...

                    Hi Judie:

                    Me thinks these restaurant jobs are tough places to work!!! Seems like "management" is an oxymoron if you know what I mean.

                    Sorry you've had such a time of it. It was hard to see you talking of leaving your place and heading elsewhere . . hang in and just let some time pass. Maybe its good, maybe its not that you're alone tonight. We're here for you. PM me if you want to talk. Phone lines open!!



                      help me please...

                      Judie.... so sorry to hear! But ditto what More2 said... good waitresses are hard to find and you probably know that restaurant and customers better than anyone. I am sure there will be many disappointed customers as they discover you are gone. I feel like I know that restaurant inside and out just having listened to all of your amazing stories the past few years and all of the ups and downs associated with it.

                      Hang in there!
                      Allie :l
                      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                        help me please...

                        Good for you Jude,

                        Blowing off the Bitch can be a very therapeutic thing - I know, I've done it
                        I love knowing that my Bitch is still scratching her head wondering how I turned around and started my own successful business 7 years ago.............Love it!

                        Use your freedom wisely
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          help me please...

                          Hey Jude, good for you for quitting. If I'd have any waitress present me with rose petals her tip would have gone up big time, plus I would have felt complimented and special.

                          My son is a sommelier, and before that a waiter and he always told me the owners hate the wait staff, go figure.

                          You deserve so much more - and check the F@@@ thread for more of my comments.

                          What I know about you is your high level of integrity, worth ethic, etc. This bitch did not deserve you.

                          Enlightened by MWO


                            help me please...

                            Hey Jude,
                            Ages since I've posted to you!
                            Well, quitting the job seems to be a load off your shoulders, so will you be able to take some time to take it easy so you can settle into a peaceful mind?
                            Like the others are saying, a good waitress is hard to find. So getting another job shouldn't be too hard, even in these harsh times, but hey, why not give some time for yourself to rest and recharge.
                            Take it easy,
                            wishing you a peaceful heart and mind.


                              help me please...

                              Judie, what happened? I worked for years in the rest biz. It is so hard.

                              I have known and respected you for years here on MWO. I know you will succeed. But in the meantime, we always need to talk. Please feel free to PM me.

                              Take care,

