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help me please...

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    help me please...

    Hi little mate,

    Just sending you good vibes. You'll be okay. Take some time out and bounce back like you always do.


      help me please...

      St Jude, sweetie, it makes sense that after MANY long months away (and I do mean AWAY), that I would find your post 1st thing. You WILL be fine. You did what needed to be done. Think of the relief, and channel some of that tipi, tree livin sweet soul stuff. You are OK. You did good. Deep breath now, release....and start again.....breath in...hold....release....

      Hugs darlin
      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


        help me please...

        Hi Judie, I too believe that everything happens for a reason...
        You sounded like a very special addition to that team and if they cant appreciate you, there will be somewhere else that can.
        I know this sounds like a cliche but when one door closes, another really does open...
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          help me please...

          Hi Jude, Good for you. I've had a couple of jobs I've hated and the relief when I have been able to leave them was great. Just focus on the positive now and you will be okay. Good luck.
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            help me please...

            Good to see you.


              help me please...

              Jude = Heart of Gold

              You are a very fine person, you are much loved and I know whatever you do you will do it well. Please take note of how many people here will vouch for you and never look back.


                help me please...

                Hiya Jude,

                If your not happy you did exactly the right thing getting out.You should be appreciated for working hard..Ahh give the bitch a slap anyway...Only joking on the last bit:l
                I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                  help me please...

                  Irish, lovely to see you!
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    help me please...

          [/video]]YouTube - Johnny Paycheck - You can take this job and shove it Here's one for ya' St. Jude.........not exactly you situation but the sentiment is the same !! Ha! LOL IAD.
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      help me please...

                      Jude, All the support, here! This will lead to something better. When I have been suffering in my most worrisome and darkest hours of life, without exception, right around the corner was something more grand and abundant that I could even have imagined! Think about what the ideal thing would be that you would want to do with your life now. What do you love doing and want to be paid for? See your self doing it, visualize it. Visualize the client laying the cash in your hand, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, etc. See the things you need and want that you will buy with this cash. Visualize the positive improvements in your life because of these changes. Do this daily - religously! Leave the negativity of what happened at your last job, in the past. Only go forward in your visualization. The universe will conspire to provide everything you want, it already is doing so. It already ditched your old unsuitable job for you. Enjoy your new journey! Hugs, Best
                      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                        help me please...

                        Thank you Best!
                        That was beautiful!:h:l
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          help me please...

                          Oh Jude, you so deserve to do something more rewarding... You have NOT been happy at that job pulling so many peoples weight for such a darn long time... curse if ya need sweetie !!! We all understand and respect you...
                          Go forward and trust that everything happens for a good reason.
                          Your Pal, with a hug xxx

                          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                            help me please...

                            Judie, just saw this today. I'm sorry for your unfortunate circumstances. Hang in there, girl. Painting would seem a very therapeutic job! I've painted my house, well, parts of it, and not the smallest parts! I hope you feel better today.
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              help me please...

                              Hey Jude, I know how you feel, I have to deal with a at work too, but I can't walk out as it's half my company :-o my biz partner thinks she is great, grrrrr! I have found that since going AF, although it's only eight days, I can seem to rise above her more, and I know what it feels like to want to use violence. You will get another job, you sound great, and strong. Are you paddling a Perception there, in the photo, well try and do 30 knots in it, that will make you feel good, I sail, and a good scary high winder at sea sorts me out quite a bit! Good luck Jude x


                                help me please...

                                Hi Pea! :welcome:

                                (I usually hate peas, but I'll make an exception, since ya paddle! )

                                I have had a couple of "Dancers" by Perception, in my life, (showing my age now...) Loved em ...

                                But, now days, I do a lot of the flat water,... "Float-N-Bloat", I bring my doggie, the "tunes"(MP3 player,..probably worth more than the 2nd hand boat I paddle,... But I married Mr Radio shack,..after living in a tree, in Colorado for 18 years...(that's a whole nother story)

                                My boat these days,... is a very versitlie
                                Ocean Kayak, it's a "Frenzy"
                                Fun little play boat, great for steep creecks, surfing, Definately, not a squirt boat!
                                But I can bring my doggie & work on my tan, and still surf a bit!:H
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

