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Planning the next drink?

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    Planning the next drink?

    Bet this gets a response.

    Good morning, all. Just a bit of rambling about my drinking days. Hopefully they are in the past, but ODAT. I found myself planning my next drinking episode days, even weeks in advance. I would think ahead to event, get togethers, holidays, weekends, and so on.

    I found myself planning where I would probably be, visualize it at times, when the AL would begin to flow. This began to scare the hell out of me. It was getting to the point that my life revolved around these preplanned daily drunks. Even though drinking would not start until late afternoon, it was a daily occurance. But of course, I could justify it always as it was preordained.

    Posting this to get all the skeletons out of the closet and to learn about others' thoughts and experiences in regards to ol' sinister AL and how our thought process can be so disrupted from "normal" patterns.

    I cannot imagine posting this anyplace up until a week ago. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope to be AF.

    Thanks to all here at MYO for the venue to let it out.


    Planning the next drink?

    My next drink? NEVER!
    I just can't do it anymore.
    I found myself refusing to take communion in church last Sunday because I didn't want the wine anywhere near me (even the watered down stuff in church).
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Planning the next drink?

      I can understand and do, do the pre planning. It more financial with me though, I have to put money aside for the weeks drinking. Often cutting corners on the food shopping so i have enough money to drink...Its no way to live.
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        Planning the next drink?

        Glimmer? There's a Whole World of Hope . . .

        Visualize and preordained are the 2 words that come to mind in what you wrote in your post.

        If we reverse only a couple of words in your message, we get a totally different and Positive picture of an ALFree Com1.

        Recently, I read and heard that "The Universe Gives Back What You Put Out There".

        Of course Bestlife, Evie and Others could probably explain the power of Positve Energy to you better than I can.

        I read in a prior thread that you enjoy reading, so why not look up some of the amazing books and or CD's there are to offer. One that comes to mind for me is the CD by Louise Hay "I Can Do It".

        Over time you will find that "off to the races" will mean things you enjoy doing that are productive. By the way what are some of your Interests or Hobbies?

