I just wanted to put this out their.I have been trying to control -stop-my drinking for a long time.I have tried different ways and until this time for what ever reason I wasn't successful.The one thing I did realize all those years was if something wasn't working to keep trying and searching.MWO has been the key for me this time.With the support from the people here to the info I have gotten I have found away to push al out of my life. That said if I was not being successful I would be searching other ways to stop.If you are not achieving the success you hoped for here look at other ways to fight this problem.It doesn't mean giving up MWO but maybe combined with some other approach you will achieve success. If their was one way or key out of this mess we would all be using it.Don't keep accepting"slipping" [hate that word f^%$ ing UP is more like it]. The younger you get al out of your life the easier it will be.Al has been way to big a part of my life for over 40 + years.No getting that time back.Don't cheat yourself or your family out of the life you deserve.
Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
AF 5-16-08