Well I've achieved a little goal today...a week ago I was feeling quite confoosed about what I should be doing. Things were up in the air with the move (I'm moving back to Aus for those that don't know)and during the previous week I had drank 3times...which is me at my worst. It really messed with my head, and I couldn't think straight, it was an aweful feeling. Anyway, I decided to go AF until tonight when I'm going out for a farewell dinner, Startingover offered herself as an accountability partner and this combined with the other things I've learnt here mean I've achieved my little goal. I know it's not a biggy, and people have done much more, but this feels good for me. So maybe little goals are my thing for the time being. Tonight I'm allowing myself 4 glasses wine with dinner, maybe a cocktail afterwards(it's realistic)...but no huge binge.
So, thankyou Startingover for giving even more of your time & energy for someone else...
Annie - Bring on Day 3...read yesterdays post if you feel you're wavering.
G, Waving, Ezz, Betts, Pan, Ronnie and everyone else who posts or just reads...have a happy, sober Friday all.