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The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

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    The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

    Morning all.

    Everyone must be having a nice lie-in if I am the one starting this thread. I hope you had a great night Angel and are not feeling too yuck today.

    Busy kids day today with their sports this morning and a birthday party this afternoon. Might go for a run this morning to kick me awake.

    Have a great day everyone.


    The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

    morning everyone. i am still in bed hungover and so over feeling like this. i wish i had the will power to stop again.


      The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

      Morning all

      No hangover here and ready to see what the day will bring. Big pot of pea and ham soup will be made some time today. Hope all you mothers will be spoiled rotten tomorrow. Have a top safe and sober weekend.


        The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

        Good morning Ezz, Mia, Tawny, and all to come,
        Off for a run to kickstart me too, after a nice lay in. Hang in there Mia! What's your plan?

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

          Dont know Guitarista Im just over it. The AL has won. I hate myself today. I dont even know where I have gone. The old me just seems like it was a dream.


            The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

            Well, a hangover will make us feel like that! Try to drink plenty of water today..Can you have a long bath? Just take care of yourself for now, and try to build a plan, bit by bit. You'd know that grog is a depressant, and so, brings us down too, as you are now feeling. Don't stress out too much. I have been in that headspace of hopelessness before, that never ending revolving circle. In the end, i just hit rock bottom, and had just had enough. I got mad, and did something about it. My 'rock bottom' might be different to whatever yours might be. Anyway, in all this, one positive, is that you are here now, on this site, searching. You haven't really given up, and you know this. Take it easy today, and keep, read, learn, read, and post if you feel like it. Get mad, and find a spark within!............G.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

              Mia, drink lots of water today and think positive thoughts. Tell yourself that the AL will not win today. Wishing you best of luck.


                The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

                Thankyou G and E. Im sooooo down. I know its the AL. I have just battled with it for so long now. I stop and start stop and start. I even stopped for eight years. I t seems the older I get the less will power I have. I thougt it was suppouse to be the other way round


                  The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

                  Its such a beautiful day here wish I could enjoy it like I use to. How is boozehag? Is she still here?


                    The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

                    Morning all :-)

                    Well, broke my 8 days AF with a six pack last night (thankfully only one 6 pack, so no terrible hangover and guilt trip) but it's back to AF again as of Today!

                    Not a disaster, merely a bump in the road..

                    Cold and raining here, so think I'll clean out my aquariums and watch a DVD :-)

                    Mia, I know the way you are feeling all too well, try not to beat yourself up, it achieves nothing..

                    You are here,you are trying and you have all of us to chat to..

                    Mr G is right though, once you are feeling better, you need to make a plan..

                    I found that seeing my GP and replacing alcohol with diazepam (valium) for the first few days helped enormously.. But everyone is different.

                    I wish you all the best and hope your hangover subsides quickly!

                    Hope everyone has a great day..

                    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                      The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

                      thank you david. enjoy your day.


                        The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

                        Hello all. I?m okay. I decided to go back to Day 1 AF and start again because I have had a few drinks since my binge, that I am not happy about. I got to Day 4 and went out and bought a cask. There were various reasons behind it, none of them happy and I knew it was stupid, but I did it anyway. I?m struggling. I can?t see the way forward at the moment and I?m depressed. Now, did you really want to hear from me?

                        I will pull myself together again. I just need the motivation. Finding it is my big thing at the moment. I have moments but they are too rare. I feel like I am going crazy sometimes. It has to be the Benzo withdrawal sending my brain into overdrive or something. It?s been fogged for so long, I can?t deal with life anymore. Lucky I have the dogs to tell me in no uncertain terms to get off my arse. I?ve been off the Benzos now for, it must be two weeks? and I should be getting better, but I seem to be getting worse. Of course no sleep is a big contributor I suspect.

                        Hence the drinks I had last night. Way too many. Didn?t plan it, just happened, like it always does if I am left alone and upset. But I did sleep. Yeah, I know, lost consciousness more likely. The stupid thing is, had I been able to purchase my own choice of wine it wouldn?t have hit me the way it did. I knew when I bought the grape variety I did I would probably lose it, and I did hesitate, but the pull was too strong. And lose it I did. Badly. With the husband I have been sorting stuff with. However, he has been really shitting me and I?m not sure, but I think I told him stuff I should have held back on, last night on the phone. I guess I will find out tonight when he phones. Bloody hell! I hate drinking.

                        Now I will post a more positive aspect of my life.
                        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                        AF May 23 09 to July 09
                        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                          The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

                          I believe I saved the life of another Starfish. I found it, about half the size of the other one, almost dead. Thankfully no silly tourist had been near it and collected it for their "Dead" collection. After I placed it back into the water, it didn't seem to be reviving. Unfortunately, because I have other creatures to care for, I couldn't go in and help it. ie: dragging doggies in with me, who resisted strongly. But I did insist we stay and watch for as long as I could see it and I believe it finally swam away. It took some time, but I so hope I saved its life.
                          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                          AF May 23 09 to July 09
                          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                            The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

                            To all you new wonderful people who are coming to this thread, you will probably think I sound like a crazy person. You may be right too. You will get to know me like the other founders of this, TND Thread. I'm just a little lost at the moment, so have patience please?
                            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                            AF May 23 09 to July 09
                            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                              The Next Day Thread Saturday 9th May

                              Ez the guy next door has lost it completely! Completely! Not only has he cut down my beautiful nature barrier, but he sprayed poison on fence height leftovers and it came through onto my garden. I watered it down thoroughly, but shit. This man has alzheimers and is sometimes lucid, others not and his wife has to tell him what he needs to do. She leaves the garden to him. Well, what am I supposed to say to the wife? She doesn't actually say alzheimers, just he has a bad memory.
                              Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                              AF May 23 09 to July 09
                              AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

