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Army Thread 9th May

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    Army Thread 9th May

    I'm sorry you're not feeling too good O2M.
    I'm glad I'm a guy.


      Army Thread 9th May

      I got a nice phone call from my son yesterday. He talks to his mum most of the time, so that was nice.


        Army Thread 9th May

        Hi all, Zaks 16 today so , hard to believe...Were going for a meal later so wish me luk, will strggle in a restaurant, mind you I got through it once before in a restauent with Oney and Starts and they were very, very DIFFICULT circumstances...!lol!


          Army Thread 9th May

          Kick off at 12:30.


            Army Thread 9th May

            enjoy pops, im off now to make scrambled eggs and toast, see you all later.


              Army Thread 9th May

              yep, your right Oney, I will be grand anyway, ive decided to take the car, there is no way I will drink then.


                Army Thread 9th May

                Morning Army - a mixed bag of probs for everyone this morning, I hope that they get sorted during the day, my contribution to that bag is I have back pain.... and my PC is acting up not sure which one is contributing to the other but am pretty certain that there is a link! Starlet well done on AF sat a great feeling. Better try and sort this PC out.


                  Army Thread 9th May

                  16's one of the big ones Limers. I remember 16, long, long ago. I remember thinking I'd grown up. Ha!!
                  Good luck and enjoy the meal


                    Army Thread 9th May

                    Enjoy your day Limers.


                      Army Thread 9th May

                      BDD You always give an such accurate description of the weather! A meteoroligist in ur spare time??


                        Army Thread 9th May

                        Good Day all
                        Up bright and early using Emylee's laptop. I am really up this early because I am going to that food program that I told some of you about. You spent five dollars and they give you a weeks worth of groceries. It is pretty awesome. I was really amazed that I made it AF through a Huge Sports night for Boston. No desire to drink. Could it be the Kudzu? Hope everyone is well today.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          Army Thread 9th May

                          I was amazed Oney. I spent 5 dollars and they literally filled the trunk of my car with food . It is a Youth Christian Ministry program. Emylee just got home from her night out and said she is crashing until 3pm, so I get to keep the laptop. Whoo Hoo
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Army Thread 9th May

                            Morning all - I have the lady pains as well - maybe we're all coordinating, or maybe its the full moon? Am frustrated as I can't do Yoga, it's my new addiction. bdd is that a new cat? Very cute.

                            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                              Army Thread 9th May

                              Right! I'm off.

                              Have a great day....


                                Army Thread 9th May

                                A very good day to you all. Hope all is well in the army.
                                Doesn't look good for the bruins sea....
                                To Infinity And Beyond!!

