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Army Thread 10th May

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    Army Thread 10th May

    Good morning lovelies!

    And a very happy mothers day to all those wonderful mums out there too.

    Rubes, good to see you back hun, hows things???

    Today, I am in one of those grateful moods, so grateful for so many things in my life. Peace and stability, I have a roof over my head, good friends, the sun is shining and there is food in the cupboard. All the things that I often take for granted and always did when I was drinking. In fact I used to feel terribly hard done by, and that I was dealt a poor hand in life. But you know what? I wasnt, I am a lucky lucky person and very thankful for that.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 10th May

    I should take a leaf out of your book starting over, instead of moaning about my life I should think about all the good things in my life, thank you for posting that love ronnie xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      Army Thread 10th May

      Hi Ronnie, I can do my fair share of moaning too! :-)
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 10th May

        Just lately I think I have won the big prize of moaner of the year! but i hopefully I will get over it soon I go through these fads from time to time
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          Army Thread 10th May

          Are you newly AF Ronnie? When I was first sober I felt my life was a total mess too. It takes some time to stop feeling so negative I think
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread 10th May

            Good morning starts and ronnie. Hope you both have a great day.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Army Thread 10th May

              Thanks startingover, I to am greatful for what I have today, I have been sober for 5 months aprox. now and when I was drinking I was so negitive, everything was doom and gloom, I only looked on the bad thinks in my life and was always looking for something better, nothing was ever good enough. I was never greatful for what I had. I never looked at the good things that I had. But now that I am not drinking I can handle life better and I can see the good in my life, I thought things were bad when I was drinking but I now know that they could have been alot worse. I am so glad that I am sober today, life is great.


                Army Thread 10th May

                Good morning Cy and 1 Day.
                Many many congratulations on 5 months sober! That is some achievement 1 Day!
                Its inspiring to hear stories like that, thanks for sharing and so very true too. Life is indeed great when we are sober.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army Thread 10th May

                  Great posts to start the day.
                  It's wonderfull to enjoy life for what it is. Money and materialistic things can't buy the most important thing in my life today. Peace of mind, and a loving family that are no longer worrying themselves into an early grave. To live a happy, simple life, free of resentment and bitterness. To have not picked up a drink today, but to not want to pick one up.
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Army Thread 10th May

                    Good morning folks from, thankfully, sunny NE England. Startingover - were you lurking in my house yesterday - LOL!!! Yesterday I was just sitting at my PC reading some posts, I tend not to post a lot, just read, and I suddenly was struck by the wonderful things I have around me, my home, my husband, my dog, a job I enjoy and which pays reasonably well (although more would be welcome!!) My grandchildren, etc., etc. I just felt so grateful and for some reason so content with things - I too was guilty of always wanting better, the bigger house, the nicer car - and so many people have nothing. I suppose this is what "sober" really means to me - a nice weekend, remembering everything that happened, even if it was just the storyline on Casualty last night - which was depressing but hey ho, I quite like depressing now and again!!! Sorry for jumping into your thread guys, just feel good today, so what the hell, eh!!!
                    All the best


                      Army Thread 10th May

                      Hi LOSW - I'm in Singapore, but am going 'home' to Newcastle for a visit and do the 'Race for Life' in Gateshead 17th May. It has to be said I appreciate England much more now I've been away for a while, yes there are some bad aspects to living there, but there are loads of good ones as well. I'm especially looking forward to a Greggs cheese savoury Sandwich - simple pleasures eh?

                      Have a Great day all.

                      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                        Army Thread 10th May

                        There's no jumping. This is everyones thread. Were all army ants fighting the same battle. Lovin the start today. Great stuff!
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          Army Thread 10th May

                          Greggs Cheese Savoury - how decadent is that Betty?!!!! Get the one on the big brown bagette, not the titchy sandwich - and brown is healthy, isn't it!!! Newcastle is a fabulous city, I don't live anywhere quite so "cosmopolitan" now, but I am from Edinburgh originally, and I do miss it sometimes!

                          Right, off to make the most of this sunshine while it lasts here - which should be until about lunchtime, then I suspect it will pee down!

                          Have a lovely Sunday, guys, and thanks for letting me jump into your thread!



                            Army Thread 10th May

                            Hey Lasty, its great to see you here! Like Cy says, its everyones thread pop in whenever you feel like it OK?
                            Hi Betty, not long now to the Race, what time are you hoping to complete it in?
                            BDD, how is Izzy this morning?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Army Thread 10th May

                              Well, what do we do, congratulate or commiserate?
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

