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    Hey everone,

    I too have been reminded that I do have a blessed life - I posted a bit of a cranky one yesterday after my hubby was ticking me off... so on a more positive note:.

    I am thankful to have two beautiful, healthy, intelligent and loving children who continue to amaze me with their humour and cheekiness
    I am thankful for my husband even though he challenges me - his patience during my drinking years, particularly recently has been amazing
    I am thankful for my family and friends who are very supportive.
    I am thankful for my work and the outstanding children I work with who have been through more in their young lives than most adults (I work in Child Protection).
    I am thankful for MWO and all of you wonderous people who have supported me and now I am on day 15 AF which is the longest I have been AF since 2004 (pregnancy and 10months breastfeeding my son).
    I am thankful for the amazing changes in my mind, body and spirit since being AF and not craving AL physically anymore and gradually tackling the psychological component.
    I am thankful to live in a free, peaceful country where I don't need to worry about my house being bombed.
    I am thankful that I don't have to worry about paying the bills all that often and that I have been blessed with opportunities in life that I know other don't have.

    Peace and happiness
    Luba :thanks:
    AF since 26 August 2009- and loving it!!



      Hi there

      I am thankful that I have 2 healthy, clever and well-behaved (mostly) children
      I am thankful for my patient husband (although might not be when he has a beer tonight!)
      I am thankful that we all have good health
      I am thankful we have a nice house, jobs, enough money for food and things we need
      I am thankful for the beautiful weather and sunsets we have in W.Australia
      I am thankful that I have found this site and have no intention of drinking tonight
      I will be thankful when I wake up tomorrow hangover free!!!




        I'm thankful for everyone who supported my during my Mom wobble today,

        And I'm incredibly thankful I got my assignment submitted. Woo Hoo!
        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:




          Just caught this thread . . .

          As always, I'm late, but not too late . . .

          The first thing I thought when I woke up this morning was what a Glorious Day. Thank you Lord!

          I am thankful that God gave me so much to be thankful for each and everyday. (Not monitarily speaking).

          And I am thankful I found this Thread.


            A THANKFUL LIST

            I am thankful that I have managed to live as long as I have. When I was younger it never occurred to me why I had so very few living relatives. It seems we were an accident prone lot, crashing little planes, falling off horses, falling out of boats, shooting ourselves while hunting, etc. It never occurred to me that all of these people might have had the same attraction to booze that I have. They did.
            may we be well


              A THANKFUL LIST

              Hi everyone thanks for keeping this going.
              Today I am thankful for
              Waking up with a clear head.
              For being able to remember what I did yesterday.
              For hearing the birds sing.
              For keeping myself and my home clean and tidy.
              For putting other pepoles feelings before my own.
              Love 1 DAY x


                A THANKFUL LIST

                Today, I'm thankful that I'll get to see my grandchildren tomorrow before they head off to Portugal for two weeks.
                It's a beautiful day and I know beyond doubt that I shall not drink today.
                Six months ago I was an emotional wreck. Today I have my life in order and I'm excited about my future; something I thought wouldn't happen again.


                  A THANKFUL LIST

                  I am grateful for a nice sunny morning
                  That i woke up clear headed and no hangover
                  That i will be seeing most of my family later today
                  That my friend is calling for me in over an hour with his son
                  Who is 3 today. I will give him his card and present


                    A THANKFUL LIST

                    I am grateful that I attended my daughters class meeting last night sober
                    I am grateful to wake up with a clear head this morning
                    I am grateful that I chose not to drink at a work function today
                    I am grateful that the sun is shining and the weather is stunning
                    I am grateful to have two little pins that will take me for a jog later:-)
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      A THANKFUL LIST

                      I am Thankful that I love myself, and not hate myself as I did when drinking
                      I am Thankful that I am able to talk to my friends sober
                      I am Thankful that I can cope with every day life without a drink
                      I am Thankful that I am not going to have a drink today because it's raining


                        A THANKFUL LIST

                        I will be extremely thankful tomorrow when a "presentation" which was sprung on me is over.
                        Right now I am thankful that at least I wont be hungover when doing it


                          A THANKFUL LIST

                          I'll be looking after my grandchildren on my own for a while today. They're growing fast and can move like lightning so I'm extra grateful to be alert and clear-headed; and for their happy smiling faces.
                          I'm grateful to my mum and dad for giving me life. I misused that gift for many years and almost threw it away once. I'm a different man now and thankful for that.
                          I'm grateful that I can walk past the booze shop every day and not even think about drink.
                          I'm thankful that I have my own cosy place and food in the fridge and the ability to look after myself and my crazy cat.
                          I'm glad that I have a healthy sense of humour and don't take everything too seriously.


                            A THANKFUL LIST

                            I am thankful for RJ's book

                            I am thankful for this website & forum

                            I am thankful that I dont have a hangover this morning & wont tomorrow either

                            I am thankful for my home, my Kids (grown up), my partner & Z the dog

                            I am thankful that I am getting my life back :l


                              A THANKFUL LIST

                              Today I am grateful to have a father that loves me unconditionally -- he is a great man and I love him to bits:-)
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                A THANKFUL LIST

                                I am thankful I have a roof over my head and a good job. And for my love of music and for my class on Thursday nights.

