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Someone KICK me please

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    Someone KICK me please

    Goodnite Zen. Really! GO AND GET SOME SHUTEYE.
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


      Someone KICK me please

      Nitey nite Zen - you're a good one m'dear.


        Someone KICK me please

        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
        AF May 23 09 to July 09
        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


          Someone KICK me please

          Hiya Angel!
          Right I am off to walk my beasties so Pan, wine down the drain and positive thoughts OK? Tomorrow is the start of something GREAT!!!
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Someone KICK me please

            I'm trying.
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              Someone KICK me please

              Very trying.
              Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
              AF May 23 09 to July 09
              AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                Someone KICK me please

                Don't worry Pan, I'm on TND also... *sinister voice* I'm everywhere!!!
                But I actually do have to make the kids dinner now.

                So, let's get this phrase going through your head "tomorrow is the start of the rest of my life"


                  Someone KICK me please

                  Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                  AF May 23 09 to July 09
                  AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                    Someone KICK me please

                    So it's a kick in the arse eh?

                    Well, consider it done . . . but then could you please accept this big fat HuGGable . . . :l

                    Cuz I don't think it's a kick you need so much as some encouraging words.

                    Encouraging, encouragement, encouraged, encouragedly, encouragized is that a word.

                    The mere fact you took the time to post this thread and respond to others tells me there is hope. You are just in a void right now and need some help to be pulled out. So grab hold of the rope and let the good ppl here yank you out of the stinking hole your in.

                    I sounds like you need to vent, rant, rave, get angry, scream, shout, hell break something. Go jogging on the spot if you need to. Turn up your favorite music really loud and jump up and down, you'll get your endorphines going and feel better to boot.

                    Sorry, I have no idea what I just wrote. Just thought I'd try and be there for ya but since I am on the other side of the world, Place a big fat HuGGable here . . . :l

                    Be well Sweetie . . .


                      Someone KICK me please

                      Polar, thanks so much. I don't see you too much, but you still remember me. I remember you. I'm going to be fine, thanks to you all.
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        Someone KICK me please

                        Hey Polar, get to know us on The Next Day Thread if you are in the timezone of Aus and NZ. Or a nightowl like Zen.
                        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                        AF May 23 09 to July 09
                        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                          Someone KICK me please

                          Hey, Pan. I've got a new injury!! LOL
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

