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gaba and other supps

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    gaba and other supps

    So I've been having a lot of problems lately relating to absolute lack of concentration, anger for no reason, lack of sleep or too much, no energy...etc. I think I have come to the conclusion that I am depressed. I have also gotten in the habit of having at least two or three drinks every night - I think I am to the point where I am realizing that I am dependant on alcohol and if I go without it I am in a HORRIBLE bad mood the next day. So I was talking with a friend earlier and said I think I needed to talk to a doctor about getting on antidepressants and she told me she takes GABA and some other stuff for natural depression help. Any ideas out there what the 'other stuff' I should take is? My friend couldn't remember....

    I understand the drinking releases gaba in your brain and you feel better for a day or so thing so am thinking this might be just what I need....Oh yeah, and to stop drinking AL....


    gaba and other supps

    You're in a funk Dove. I have felt like this on occassion and have definetly felt the benefits of my supps.

    Zenny has suggested some great ones to try and another I am on at the moment is L-Theanine, which combined with magnesium and GABA give me an all round feeling of well-being.
    If you search through some of's posts and Eve11 there is some great advice there.

    I hope this helps.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

