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ARmy Thread 13th May

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    ARmy Thread 13th May

    Hi there Mario, thats good advice. Have a great cycle ride!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      ARmy Thread 13th May

      Awwhh shite Oney. I am sorry.
      You should eat something before taking these as they can irritate your stomach.
      Eat some toast now if you can...
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        ARmy Thread 13th May

        Morning Folks!
        You've been had Boozy. What a bloody cheek!
        I've rarely had to do anything like that except a Best Man's speech for my brother. I was bricking it for months but come the day I was great....had them eating out of my sporran.
        I hope you feel better soon O2M. I hate feeling ill and it's just struck me that I haven't been for about 18 months. (Touch wood)
        You're right starty. Sean's some guy. A lot of people would just have given up. I'm so pleased for him.


          ARmy Thread 13th May

          Good morning all.
          Crap weather here in Wales today, so I'm going to spend an hour job hunting, and then I'm going to watch some films. May clean the house too.
          You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
          Have a great day.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            ARmy Thread 13th May

            Hi Cymru,
            Enjoy your day.


              ARmy Thread 13th May

              Morning Army, must say that ye are all in good formthis morning. Good wishes going out to Sean on his first day at work, what an inspiration..... Boozehag, guess what you will do just fine, furthermore, I think your colleague knew exactly what she was doing and she knows that you are up to it. Good Luck.


                ARmy Thread 13th May

                ok, my legs are in bits again, walked too bloody fast this morning. I was trying to out do another walker and I did , left her for dust!Ha! Now me poor ole legs are in bits....

                Sorry to hear about the snot Oney.


                  ARmy Thread 13th May

                  Im off to study now, see you later.


                    ARmy Thread 13th May

                    Hello army - am just packing for Uk and my mother is telling me to bring vests and sandals. Is she having me on? I was hoping to wear my lovely Christmas knee length Boots.......please advise.
                    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                      ARmy Thread 13th May

                      Cater for every eventuality Betty. Rain and cold (but not bitterly so) and something for the heat (which can surprise even those who live here sometimes). It's really sunny out now, but the wind would cut you in half.


                        ARmy Thread 13th May

                        Usual british weather. It was luuuuush and warm monday, and today it is cold and raining.
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          ARmy Thread 13th May

                          You see! I knew she was telling fibs - thanks popeye.....

                          and Cy!
                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                            ARmy Thread 13th May

                            well good morning all,starts,good thread yesterday,and today,you are a very caring person,depression brings the pain on which we took the meds for,not realising a lot of our problems stemmed fron al abuse,boozehag,as many have said,anyone that can write like you, should have no lost me after the second coronary thing,my brother use to do allot of public speaking,he d look at the happiest person or find a dirt stain on the wall,onesters got a cold should get hubby to pamper you a bit more,mario always nice to see you in and out,have a good bike ride,or swim,limers a competitor,take it easy dont want to hurt yourself,hi shaun, cy,pops and sweaty i don't know what the weathers like over there,cant be much worse then here,as far as gyco is,im ok,little down the specialist says he doesnt think i should get the surgery cause the problem is in the 3 and 4th disks down ,from the neck,bad spot ,if it was lower back would not be as bad a spot, as far as work,the type of work i do,could damage it more,all see when he gets the report back,if i missed anyone,i will be in touch,i hope everyone has a wonderful day, gycco


                              ARmy Thread 13th May

                              see i new i forgot a few zen,bdd and irish eyes,see an old guy like me has to write the names down later


                                ARmy Thread 13th May

                                Hi Gyco...
                                I had a great meeting with my counsellor this morning. She's as pleased as I am with my progress. My enthusiasm for sobriety isn't waning. There's a part on the hypno CD where the guy says that I'll wake up every morning proud of my previous day's success, and I really do. I sometimes feel that I come across as a little smug when I talk about staying sober, but it's not like that. I'm just so happy that I'm managing to stay dry and that I don't miss it at all. I keep expecting huge cravings and to feel sorry for myself but it's not happening either (yet). I know I've said this before but the way I think about drinking has altered. I don't think that I deliberately set about changing it, it just happened. I'm not missing out by getting rid of it as I used to think. Something in my mind that was distorted and illusory has been retuned. Does that make sense?

