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The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

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    The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

    Morning all.........

    I'm all leaving do'd out...gotta run. Will be back later.
    Have a lovely day all.


    The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

    Have a great day Angel!
    Not long now...
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

      Thanks Starting...
      Ronnie, how're you feeling?? Day 5 woohoo!!

      Well I sent Pan a PM the other day but no reply...I have a theory that she kind of self know, write something really provocative to piss people off, so she felt like she couldn't come back the next day for Day 1. She knows I think this...but who knows?? She's probably doing it on her own, I think when she puts her mind to it there'd be no stopping her. Anyway, just my thoughts...I thought I should put them out there so it wasn't like the elephant in the room. Pan, if you need support we're here.

      Have a smashing day everyone.
      We're off for a playdate this afternoon at Mr4's friends house...he's soooo excited!!!



        The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

        Hi Angel, hi starting, well what can I say apart from YES YES YES I have reached Day 5 A/f I am so pleased with myself, I am going to see if I can make it through the weekend so keep your fingers crossed for me.
        Pan, please come back to us everyone here has given me so much support I dont know what I would has done without you all including YOU.
        Thank you so much for all of your kind words, they have really kept me going so please keep them comming love ronnie xx
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

          Where is everyone today??
          Ronnie - great plan to go the weekend. Sending you strength today.


            The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

            Woo Hoo Ronnie!!! You go girl!
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

              Hi Starts & Angel, just a quicky as I have to pick the kids up from school soon, Friday nights is a big trigger for me and I just hope that I can get through it, I know I will be ok for Saturday as we are round friends house and I am going to be the driver so I have sorted that one, its just that I want tonight to be over now if you know what I mean
              love ronnie
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

                What is the med called for cravings? and where can i get it from?
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

                  Do you mean the supplements?
                  I use Lglutamine and kudzu.
                  L glutamine I get in powder form from the health shop (body builders use it) and kudzu I buy from this site.
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

                    Morning Angel, Ronnie, Starty........
                    Hope you're all ok, well done Ronnie for the 5 days, i know EXACTLY what you mean about Fridays being a trigger, just remember how great this AF feels & that yu don't want that dreaded hangover tomorow. Its day 19 AF for me which is just a miracle i can only put it down to everyones support on this site & my Higher Power. Off with the Lab for an hours walk now then gym & some work Hope you all have a fantastic day, chat later!!!


                      The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

                      Hey Vogue, great going on 19 days!!! Feels good doesnt it?
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

                        Sure does Starty xxxxx


                          The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

                          Afternoon everyone.

                          Congrats on Day 5 and wishing you well for the weekend.

                          I had a totally humility experience at the doctors this afternoon, I don't have to worry about drinking tonight, I feel so sick I doubt I can eat.


                            The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

                            Ezz - what happened? Only if you want to tell ... Are you ok?


                              The Next Day Thread Fri 15th May

                              Hey well done Vogue, you should be well pleased with yourself "You Go Girl" keep up the good work
                              Ezz how did your late night shopping go?
                              Starts yes I meant the Supps. I think I will order them from this site as I went into a health shop near me and they did'nt know what I was going on about!! What is the best supp. for cravings and are they all herbal I am just taking vit B at the moment
                              What is the one that when you get a craving you just put it under your tongue?
                              :dancin: enguin:
                              starting over

