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Doggone it!

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    Doggone it!

    I know there are a lot of dog lovers on this forum. Our friendly furry pals are a lot like the people who post here: loving, non-judgmental, and always ready with a smile (translate=wag). Just for amusement's sake, in the "something to do other than sip" category, it would be fun to hear about your pup and how he/she helps you to get through the day. Cats, too -- we're non-discriminatory, and they're great friends!

    My own goofy angel is "Joe," an 85-lb. rescued mix lap dog that we were so curious about that we had a DNA test done to determine what breeds he is made of. The results were: an Akita, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Beagle, Golden Retriever, Dalmation and... wait for it...Yorkie! He somehow knows when I'm upset, rushes to my side immediately, and gives me a drooly love nip on the face.

    Today, I was walking him when a 9-month old puppy grabbed his leash in her mouth and proudly led him around for ten minutes. All the while, he had this "what's happening to me???" look. He's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he's an important part of sticking with the AF plan for me -- 85 pounds of therapy!

    How's yours?
    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

    Doggone it!

    Geez, LB, I don't know where to start!!! Since my screen name is from 2 pet, yeah, I'm a sucker for them. I guess I'll bein tonight with my lap baby, who spends more face time with me than the others, so is always there for me. Tinkerbelle, my 3 1/2# Yorkie, is 3 1/2 yrs old. I got her a year ago from a breeder who had wanted to use her to breed but she was too little, thank goodness, so God put us together. She thinks shes as big as my Rottweiller, and protects me fiercely. She also LOVES dressing up, and my g'daughter complains Tink has more clothes than she does!!! We are rarely apart, and I've come to understand almost every noise she makes. Hubs loves her too, and when he comes home each day, she greets him with jumps, wiggles, and begs to be picked up. I've never had a dog this tiny, and I've truly become a fool for her.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Doggone it!

      Lilbit.... animals are wonderful therapy aren't they? I have a white lab who is seven. We got her on Christmas Eve one year and she has been the best dog. She defies the rules that old dogs cannot learn new tricks, as she loves to learn and is the most obedient dog. She would make a great "seeing eye" or assistance dog as she trains very easily. When I am stressed and she picks up on it, she comes to me and does a "high five". Its really cute.

      I have a snobby calico cat as well that I rescued from the Humane Society two years ago. She is very affectionate, but of course on her terms only. No picking HER up. I said absolutely no more pets, but alas, I have new little kitten tearing around the house as I type... I am such a succer!
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Doggone it!

        I miss my dog. I've only had one, it was a miniture short hair Weiner Dog. My ex and I named him Max (after the original Grinch movie - he looked just like the dog on the cartoon). My only girlfried after my divorce had a lab that I loved just as much. I wish I could afford to have a dog now more than ever - be thankful for the unconditional love that a puppy has for you.

        Best Wishes to ALL!!!



          Doggone it!

          What a wonderful idea LilBit.

          I have been known to prefer my dogs company to any other humans -- he's my BOY!! (said very masculine-ly lol)
          My boy, James :dog: is a 100kg boerbull that my hubby bought me for my birthday, neither one of us realising at the time just how big he was going to get.
          When he sits, he can rest his chin on the kitchen counter and watch me prepare dinner -- this is his all time favorite activity.
          During the day, my brute of a guard dog -- yip, no one dares enter without his slobery permission loves to chase butterflies :butterfly: and play with the monkeys:tonguemonkey:
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Doggone it!



            Your dog weighs 220 lbs?

            I looked them up on Google. Seems like gentle giants, to me. Great guard dog.

            I used to have two Great Pyrennes and thought they were huge, but you definitely have the bigger dog.

            I'll bet he's a real lover.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Doggone it!

              Hey Lilbit! This is a great thread. Well my name here says it all. I have two black labs and Chopper happens to be one of them. He is a pure bread black lab with a big block head! When we got him, he weighed 120 pounds. I think he may be down to 115 now :H His former owner passed away and was a friend of my boyfriend's so we took Chopper in. He is such a sweet boy. He has been through a lot. He blew out his knee and had to have surgery and he has arthritis. However, he is getting around quite well now. He spents most days sleeping :H He does love to play with his brother and get love from mom and dad.

              Sebastian is the other lab. My BF had him when we met. He was a shelter dog and he has hound in him. He loves to "sing" along with the police/fire/ambulance sirens when they are around. It's quite comical. He also loves to play ball. We have a ton of tennis balls for him :H He is also a cuddler, like his mom. BF complains that I have turned him into a girl!

              I am very proud of my dogs and they do give me so much comfort and therapy! Sorry for the novel, but I am a very proud mama!


                Doggone it!

                No dog, currently. I still miss my big (at least I used to think he was big, until I heard about the boer!) Chesapeake, Mica, who weighed at his best, 125 lbs. He was my baby. When I would have to travel, he would stand on his hassock, with his chin on the sill, looking alternately out the window for me, and then back over his shoulder at my husband, with the obvious question in his eyes, "Ok, what did you do? Put her in the freezer?"

                Two years ago we adopted my step-dad's Boston Terrier, when Mom and he had gotten too old to take care of her. She was three inches shorter than our male cat, but luckily he liked the little dog quite well. She lived with us for 18 months, but luckily Mom and her husband moved to town two months before she died, so she got to see her real parents lots before she died.

                We also have three cats, (litter mates), a parrot who does in fact talk, and a california king snake who might possibly be the world's oldest. My husband got her as an egg when he worked at the Bronx Zoo, and that was more than 20 years ago.

                Great thread, Lilbit!


                  Doggone it!

                  It's SO great to read about all your four-legged (and two-legged, and no-legged) pals, everyone! Thank you so much for sharing. I feel like I know them.

                  Ruby, I'm told that Yorkies are definitely IN CHARGE, and yours seems like no exception.

                  Prest4, I LOVE the thought of your dog's high five, and a cat's snobbery is indeed part of his charm.

                  Sheri, i wondered if your avatar was your dog. Casper sounds wonderful. I think the rescued animals know it, and have a special something because of it. Love the term "velcro dog."

                  Race, I hope there's a love-pup in your near future. Meanwhile, Joe sends you a big slobbery kiss.

                  DeeBee, WOW! That's a lotta' dog there! I agree that the big ones are often the most gentle pushovers. I can just picture that chin on your counter as you're cooking...

                  Gia, just think -- you can enjoy all the 'Shiraz' and 'Merlot' you want without a hangover.

                  And Mica, my 12-day pal, I knew you were a dog lover, but have quite the menagerie there! I'm still chuckling over "he got her as an egg...over 20 years ago." That's longer than many marriages today!

                  To those who have lost dear furry friends, I read somewhere recently that in the afterlife, there's a window that the pets can always peer through to look down on us, but that they all eventually decide to leave the window and go play. Who knows if that's true, but I found it comforting.

                  :h to all

                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    Doggone it!

                    Hey, it's so great to hear about your furry friends...
                    I've never had a dog but we had a cat, 'Clive' who I rescued from a vet clinic...he was a 'dog in a cats body' Mr Cakes used to say. Anyway when we moved to NZ I gave him to my best friend as they often slept on my couch together...he's since lost an eye to cancer and got washed away in some floods, only to end up at the mariner 10kms away from her house, clinging to a floating tyre. He's still going...probably about 12yrs old now but no-one knows....and definitely down to his last lives!!!



                      Doggone it!

                      Cinders;614330 wrote: Deebs,

                      Your dog weighs 220 lbs?

                      I looked them up on Google. Seems like gentle giants, to me. Great guard dog.

                      Yeah Cinders, he's a cracker!! At the moment he is lying next to my bed snoring and farting just like hubby :H
                      If I remember correctly I posted a pic of him in the gallery -- he's lying on my daughter's trampoline -- which he LOVES to double bounce her!!! He was still a pup in that photo.
                      He is a gentle giant but the problem is that he doesn't understand how big he is so just leaning against me ends up me on my butt.
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Doggone it!

                        Great Thread . . .

                        Hiyaaaa Lilbit and Everyone . . .

                        We have always had dogs, birds and at one time horses.

                        Our recent baby is a 7 yr. old golden lab / sheppard cross. Ya right, that's what the bio said. Really I think from her appearance she is Rottie/Pitty/Ridgeback/Sheppard/Lab and part Duck. She loves to swim fetch and especially loves the energy of kids. She goes everywhere with us (except church in the winter).

                        Oh and I must share 2 things: if we are near a lake and we go to eat our meal she will literally play ball with herself. She will throw the ball from the dock into the lake, jump in a fetch it over and over again until one of us comes back out to play.

                        And believe it or not she has also been a major catalyst in helping me to stay sober. It's like you can see the disapproval in her eyes. (Our horses were the same way, gosh I miss my horses but that is another story - never drank then).

                        Thanks for sharing everyone . . . :l

