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The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

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    The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

    Morning's gorgeous here this morning.
    My last Saturday living in Auckland.....good to see it's putting on a good show of the beautiful Waitemata Harbour!
    Off to the gym this morning and to the tip this afternoon.
    Have a great, sober day all.


    The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

    Thanks Oney!


      The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

      Dave, I just saw you'd been surfing...I'd really like to try it. I'm a bit timid in the waves though...I'm thinking a long board & little waves I could handle...


        The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

        You must be getting pretty excited now Angel. Is sydney near anyone on the thread?
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

          morning all.

          Still feeling majorly down here, the problem with my doctor was about my weight, my problem is that I don't look overweight but all the stats say that I am at a major danger point. To remove his obligation to help me he doctored my height (apparently I have grown 5 cm in recent years !!), which brought my bmi down to 28.4. All I wanted was a medical checkup to see if there was any other problems as to why I can exercise 6 days per week, eat well and still not be able to lose any weight in the last 6 months. I am not sure if he doctored my height on purpose but he was a rude condescending pig for the off, smirked when I said how much exercise I do.

          Anyway it would seem that I am not allowed to be down and miserable in my house, I am supposed to be my usual happy self. The pressure by my husband just makes me more miserable.

          As my mantra for the last few weeks has been "I am not a drinker" I don't even have urges to drink.

          Sorry for being so negative today. I hope everyone has a great day.


            The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

            Morning all,
            Hi Ezz, Geez..This doc sounds like yer classic quack, and a dickhead. I presume you'll be going to a proper one soon, though this recent experience probably wouldn't see you too keen to do that just yet?
            The really great thing though, is you have no urges to drink, and being the weekend and all too! You really are rockin' it, you know!
            Have a beautiful day Angel....I love the tip!
            Best wishes to all.........

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

              Hi everyone,
              Sorry to hear about your visit to the doctors Ezz, why dont you make another appointment to see a different one, maybe a women doctor this time, I am sure you will feel much better for it.
              Angel have you got any plans for tonight as it is your last Saturday?, what day do you move?
              G - how can you like the tip, its full of crap!!!
              One 2 Many how are you feeling now, I hope you are getting over your flu
              Starting - what have you got planned for today?
              Well as for me, I dont think I am doing much today apart from cleaning up after my boys, hubby has a head cold (man flu) but he insists on doing work on the house, we are meant to be going round my old neibours house tonight for drinks I am driving though so thats fine, but I am not sure what is happening now I think hubby is going to wait untill this afternoon to see how he feels.
              Hey guys 6 Day A/F and feeling great it was so nice waking up early this morning without a hangover!!
              Have a great day love ronnie xx
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

                G - what is it with men & the tip?? I don't dig it - stinky, the boys went in my place, they loved it.
                Ezz - I had a similar situation a couple months back when at the doctors, I weighed myself & checked my height when she was out of the room...then I checked myself on the graph that was on the wall to find I was in the 'overweight' the very bottom end but there it was 'overweight'...oh the HORROR. I was very upset & thought 'what does that stupid chart know anyway'. Anyway, I think I read you checked your thyroid already right??
                Oh, and the doctor can get stuffed...
                Starting - Rags is on the South Coast and travels to Sydney a bit. No other regulars at this stage...

                I think I'll go to the gym again this last D'arts class with one of my favourite instructors...



                  The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

                  Hi Angel, I have just posted to you on the other thread, I hope you are OK?
                  :dancin: enguin:
                  starting over


                    The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

                    hi everyone

                    thanks for your thoughts. the doctor refused to check anything. he just told me to eat an astounding 1680 calories per day to lose weight. I wanted to find out and what I still don't know is how much my muscle contributes to my weight. my friend who is the same height but weighs 12kg lighter doesn't look any smaller than me. In fact I take a size 10 bottoms and she is a 12. I have no idea how to weigh muscle but I would like to lose 3kg of fat. anway I shall be sticking to 1450 calories on my gym days 1250 on rest days. it doesn't help that i am the picture of perfect health, even when drinking I always had a healthy glow and now that it has been a few weeks I am glowing. maybe i will just gloss over the government adverts everywhere that tell me my bmi is heading towards major health problems in the future.

                    the heavy mood has lifted, just moved 2 tonnes of wood with my husband so I am feeling a lot less depressed.

                    great work on day 6 ronnie, you must be buzzing.


                      The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

                      Oh geez...I know that muscle & fat weight the same (not muscle heavier as popular belief) but muscle is a lot a 2kg blob of muscle looks a lot smaller than a 2kg blob of fat. Therefore I figure you can be quite small & very toned, and still weigh quite a lot.
                      I've stopped weighing myself for this reason...I felt I was getting smaller (which I was from after baby #2)but as I lost fat I gained muscle...therefore the results were never shown on the scales. therefore I felt like I might throw those f***ers out the window...therefore I don't get on them anymore.

                      Ronnie I'm fine...I'm heading to the gym again in about 1/2hr. All ideas of 'last Saturday in the house, lets make it a good one' will be gone by then!!!


                        The Next Day Thread Sat 16th May

                        Evening all!
                        Go Ronnie! And good to see you're feeling a bit better Ezz. I would be lodging a complaint against that idiot!
                        Off to the tip myself on monday. Ahh, all that machinery, bulldozer's, grader's, other trucks. It will be grand! It's a big operation, and there is new ground being prepared for landfill nearby, with intricate drainage systems, and stuff. Can't wait!......
                        Have a fabulous, sober night everyone.............

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

