I am off this weekend and this will give me a chance to study for the test that comes on Monday.
I have been learning all about Virgin phone,broadband, and telly.
I am going to spend much of the day at the library as it is near impossable to study in the noise and confusion of the shelter

After the final day of training and the test on Monday, Tuesday we will be hitting the floor and making calls.
Of course I am a little nearvous, but there are a lot of people to help if any problems arise.
The commision structure is not bad and if I can hit the targets I can start to save for a flat to live in.
Well thats really all for now, I will be working 11:30 until 7:30 Mon through Thurs and 10:30 to 5:30 on Fridays so I will try to drop a line before work one day next week.
Love to all,
Sean ...