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The Next Day Thread Sunday 17th May

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    The Next Day Thread Sunday 17th May

    Morning all

    Where is everyone today? Already 9.00am and just back from a bike ride with the kids, hubby is off swimming. The joys of a hangover free Sunday. We are heading to the zoo today to enjoy the last of the sun.

    How did you go last night Ronnie?

    Hope everyone has a great day. Take care.


    The Next Day Thread Sunday 17th May

    Hi Ezz, I am going great, last night made a real change for me I was round my old neigbours new house and I was drinking cola from a wine glass, I dont know why I took a wine glass with me as I dont drink wine but it was nice to drink from a nice glass i suppose. And it was even better watching my boys play their soccer matches sobber this morning instead of hungover!!
    What another lovely day here today I hope you really enjoy the zoo, have they got any new animals there?
    Well I m going to see what else I can do with myself today, I might see if hubby needs help with the renervating (sorry wrong spelling) of the house (should be a laugh)
    Hi to everyone to come
    Love ronnie xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      The Next Day Thread Sunday 17th May

      Hi Ezz and Ronnie, and any other straggler's to come,
      Sounds like you guy's are having a super weekend!? Wow, Ronnie!! A good one had here too. Found myself being quite reflective and emotional, whilst clearing out some old stuff sat, but all's well now.
      Have a great evening everyone.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        The Next Day Thread Sunday 17th May

        Hi G, what sort of stuff was you clearing out that made you all emotional? sorry im just being nosy!!
        Ezz - How did the zoo go, you had great weather for it.
        In the end I helped hubby sort out all the pool toys and put them away for the winter (sad) and had another trip to bunnings, not very exciting but I enjoyed it.
        Well I hope you all have a great evening
        Love ronnie xx
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over

