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Army Thread 21st May

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    Army Thread 21st May

    2 sec check in!! Cooking still for t'morrow. I'll chronicle all the UNBELIEVEABLE stuff thats happened in the last week later. Why do people call me for advice? I'm the Forrest Gump of the Advice World!!!LOL
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Army Thread 21st May

      Hi Rubes, I am sure you are GREAT!!

      Bognor is a delightful seaside resort in the UK
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 21st May

        Zenstyle;618462 wrote: Hiya guys, wee fly-by just to say hello. Hope everyone's fabby spoony and having a good day.

        Krigs, I had a colonoscopy once. They had me take Fleet liquid "colon blow" for the entire day before the procedure. :upset: I hope you don't have to do the hose butt... it wasn't too much fun!!!
        What is the "hose butt" Zenni? I am going "under" for the procedure so I really don't know what they have planned except a full check of the entire colon?!?
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          Army Thread 21st May

          Oh, Starts, I NEEEEEED you here. We (the community) have declared WAR on one of the neighbors. She was annoyed at a couple of dogs and when they came on her property (the most horrible, ugly place on the road!) yesterday, she loaded them in her car, drove them 10 miles away, and dumped them out!!!!!!! They belonged to a paraplegic teen girl who went to her and begged her to tell her where they were. Happy ending, dogs have been returned, even tho she removed their tags!!! So now, we are all out for blood. Everything they do wrong will be reported to law enforcement, from now on!!!
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Army Thread 21st May

            Krigs, my experience with it was fine. I slept it all away!!!!!!!!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              Army Thread 21st May

              rubywillow;618488 wrote: Oh, Starts, I NEEEEEED you here. We (the community) have declared WAR on one of the neighbors. She was annoyed at a couple of dogs and when they came on her property (the most horrible, ugly place on the road!) yesterday, she loaded them in her car, drove them 10 miles away, and dumped them out!!!!!!! They belonged to a paraplegic teen girl who went to her and begged her to tell her where they were. Happy ending, dogs have been returned, even tho she removed their tags!!! So now, we are all out for blood. Everything they do wrong will be reported to law enforcement, from now on!!!
              String the witch up by her nipples and dump her far far away from home.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army Thread 21st May

                Hey BD, yep a delightful convo isnt it? :-)
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army Thread 21st May

                  Zenstyle;618503 wrote: Don't forget to remove her tag first.
                  Good thinking....and erase her finger prints with a mild acid solution.....
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Army Thread 21st May

                    Starts, this is my new mission in life. No one knows HOW vindictive I can be when someone does something deserving, but believe me, she'll never know what hit her. I don't confront, I'm not obvious, but I will use every string I've got in my closet to put this ********* in such an uncomfortable position. I'm coldly angry right now, and that is a very bad thing. Our retaliation will be in just causes, against violations made everyday by these people. It's best not to step in a hornets nest when they've been leaving you alone. She tried to MURDER that child's dogs. When they were found they were running up to cars, trying to stop someone to get home. I have no words for how pissed I am.
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      Army Thread 21st May

                      How could you slam the door on a child in a wheelchair, begging to know where her pets were?
                      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                        Army Thread 21st May

                        Hi, Zen. I'm only locally murderous!! LOL
                        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                          Army Thread 21st May

                          I can TOTALLY understand your anger Rubes, I used to work in a rescue kennel where people did unspeakable things to dogs. I have fostered abused and abandoned cats, horses and rabbits.
                          I have also "removed" pets from owners who are shall we say unworthy.
                          You keep doing what you can to remedy the situation I just pray that karma will bring justice.
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 21st May

                            Oh FEck!
                            So we do bad and its OK?
                            Or we do bad and we attract bad? I thought thats what karma was....
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Army Thread 21st May

                              The girl's Mom & I are friends, neighbors. We're working together. Law enforcement is involved. The family also plans a civil suit, and pursuing it legally. Also, the offenders break the law all the time, so now everyone will be reporting them everytime they see it. Karma's a bitch, you know! The little girl was thrown about 50 feet from a vehicle a few years ago, barely lived, paralyzed from the waist down. Her dogs are her companions, and they had gone out to the bathroom.
                              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                                Army Thread 21st May

                                Lauren (the girl) and I are going to walk (roll her wheelchair) our dogs together up the road each day now. Her dogs are a little black and white boxer and golden retriever, but mine is the Mighty Berit. We are hoping for confrontation.
                                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

