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Just so TIRED

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    Just so TIRED

    Hi Kids,

    I'm just starting week 3, up to 100 mg of Topa. I've been taking the sups, listening to Cd's 2-3 times a week. I have been faithful with the exercising but the last couple of days I have been so TIRED, I can't stand it!! It's about all I can do to drag around. All I want to do is go home, pop open a bottle of wine and curl up on the couch!! I'm sure the wine thing is psychological but has anyone experienced this?? Does the energy return at some point??

    I thought with the sups and with the eating better and with the drinking less, I would have more energy.

    Any advice would be great. Thanks!


    Just so TIRED

    Hi friend:
    I think it will get better. What time are you taking the meds? I found for myself when I took them in the afternoon it was better. At any rate, keep up the good work. I think the whole idea is to customize it so it works for you. You will find the right combo-just keep tweaking it.
    Have a great day.


      Just so TIRED

      Topa tired

      That's good advice re: taking the meds a little later when starting out if you are bothered by fatigue. It is absolutely one of topiramate's most commonly reported side effects. Until it passes--and it will--Here are some other tips that may help:

      * Reduce your dose of Calms Forte if you're taking the full recommended amount
      * Exercise a little more frequently this first few weeks (I know it seems counter intuitive if you're tired, but it really can help boost your energy level.)
      * Consider taking/upping the amount of L-Glutamine you're currently using (we recommend 1,000 to 3,000 mg.)
      * Dose the Topamax up a little more slowly
      * Under your doctor's care, consider short term use of a nootropic agent like adrafinil or Provigil, which both improve energy and cognition.

      Good luck and hang in there!

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        Just so TIRED

        Marica, Oh my gosh. I remember posting the EXACT same thing. It seemed like forever before it stopped. But really it was no time at all. And it was gone for a while before I actually noticed it. Maybe dose up a little slower if ya want it to stop faster, but i promise you Marcia....the dreadful tireds will stop and you will be feelin back to normal before you know it. gabby
        Gabby :flower:


          Just so TIRED

          Roberta Jewell wrote: That's good advice re: taking the meds a little later when starting out if you are bothered by fatigue. It is absolutely one of topiramate's most commonly reported side effects. Until it passes--and it will--Here are some other tips that may help:

          * Reduce your dose of Calms Forte if you're taking the full recommended amount
          * Exercise a little more frequently this first few weeks (I know it seems counter intuitive if you're tired, but it really can help boost your energy level.)
          * Consider taking/upping the amount of L-Glutamine you're currently using (we recommend 1,000 to 3,000 mg.)
          * Dose the Topamax up a little more slowly
          * Under your doctor's care, consider short term use of a nootropic agent like adrafinil or Provigil, which both improve energy and cognition.

          Good luck and hang in there!

          Thanks, for this advice I really needed it! :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:


            Just so TIRED

            peaches:: r u back from the wedding?
            how did it go?


              Just so TIRED

              I'm back will send you an e-mail.


                Just so TIRED


                Marcia, I too suffer from being tired ALL the time. Can I ask how old you are? I'm 40. Do you take naps? I have found that helps. I usually can sleep an hour to an hour and half in the afternoon which sometimes gives me more energy in the evening. But like you, when it doesn't, all I want to do is curl up with that wine on the couch and watch TV. I've also found that I'm more tired when I'm depressed and don't have anything motivating me like a hobby or a busy project at work. Could that be part of your problem? Boredom too causes fatigue for me. Anyway, I 'm sure it will get better! Keep up what you're doing!


                  Just so TIRED

                  I went through same thing and almost stopped taking it and wanted to cry all the time. It started taking it later in the day, played around with it a bit. You do have to ride it out. RJ is right though, 100 mg in 3 weeks is a little fast but the fatigue will pass, I can't say how long it will take for you but I have been on topa now for about 2 1/2 months now and I have no fatigue anymore and it's been gone for quite a while. Ride it out it will get better! Patty (Camper)
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    Just so TIRED

                    approaching the doctor

                    Patty and others,

                    What did you tell your doctor to get Topamax? I'm thinking of trying Baclofen since I need a muscle relaxant anyway to cope with all the muscle spasms I have due to arthritis. I hate the idea of getting the alchohol diagnosis on my chart!

                    Patty, hope you are doing well and that your dear daughter is improving.



                      Just so TIRED

                      good luck not sure about this site seeems no one is ever online ect. kept returning to rj guess i just dont know how to use this link i really wanted to believe but again just got returned to non live line chat just rj commments


                        Just so TIRED

                        The first few weeks are awful, I was so tired i almost stopped taking it- just hang in there.

                        Tom, I know it is confusing everyone is talking about different things at one time, you hang in there too. You'll get the hang of it. People are usually on chat at night just keep looking. If that's not what you want you want you should post more clearly your needs and people will respond and help you out.

                        Ivy, Sophie is doing well thanks for asking! Luckily I saw it you asked it in weird topa thread! Ivy you could go to your doc and ask for it just print out the Lancet article from the research area of the site and ask for it, but if you are taking baclofen ask RJ or Dr. Garcia if you should be combining the 2 drugs. I would guess not.
                        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

