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The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

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    The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

    Good Morning all :-)

    Hope there are no sore heads and regrets from any one today..

    Myself, Pan and CYMRU are going for 7 days AF, as of this Morning and are all going to check in here every day to report, get some support and/or be berated by you all..

    Of course, anyone who wishes to join us is more than welcome..

    See you all this afternoon :-)

    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....

    The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

    Hey David and all to come.
    Good for you on the 7 days!!
    I shall be watching :-)
    Have a great Friday all.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

      Morning Everyone,
      David and Pan good luck on your 7 days. I'm on day 2 and started on Campral yesterday. I'll let you know how it goes.


        The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

        Mornin' all - cheering on the AFers! Strength in numbers.

        Gorgeous morning here in Central Vic.


          The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

          Morning all on the other side. As you say tawny, strengh in numbers. The new day has just started here, and im with ya all the way.
          Time for bed for me.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

            Hi everyone
            Good luck Pan, Dave & CYMRU on your 7 Days A/F journey, I have every faith in all of you that you can all do this, if times get hard and you feel like you are going to fall, just remember that you can lean on each other to stay up, as well as us all here as well.
            Love ronnie xx
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

              afternoon all.

              On day 19 here and having a rough time with my emotions. I don't have any strong urges to drink, just feeling down. Maybe I am suffering a bit of the drydrunk that Cy talks about. Or maybe it is just hard dealing with things without having a drink or a promise of a drink at the weekend to take the edge off. Or Maybe this diet is too hard.

              Good luck to everyone with their goals, and good luck to Pan, Dave and Cy, I hope you make your 7 days.


                The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

                Hey Ezz, are you restricting proteins and or carbs very much? That could be playing havoc with your brain chemistry. Are you getting enough rest?
                What about taking some supplements to help lift your spirits?
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

                  Morning fellow AF'ers
                  Beautiful here in 'Blitey' hope its great in Oz/ USA/ SA/ Kiwi Land/ Canada and anywhere else i've missed Day 25 for me today - YEEEEEEHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

                    Woo hoo! 25 days!!!!! Well done! Betcha feel FABBY!
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

                      You Betcha!!!
                      and you're right Starty the sunshine makes a heck of a difference, off for walk with Lab and then Gym see yers later!!


                        The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

                        Sorry to hear that you are feeling down ezz but hey how good does it feel to be 19 Days A/F I am so proud of you, keep up the good work, are you going for the 30 days?
                        Voguefit - WOW 25 Days, I bet you are jumping up and down with joy today, your doing such a good job well done and keep it up!
                        Chat later
                        Love ronnie xx
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

                          Ronnie, you sound so positive for this weekend. And Voguefit, well done on 25 days.

                          I guess that my emotions just feel raw at the moment. But I consider this still a good thing, I have to relearn how to deal with life AF and this is just one more step in the right direction. Whether I drink or not I will have bad weeks and right now I am learning to deal with them sober.

                          Starts, my diet is around 150g carbs, 100 protein and 35g fat per day. I don't want to do less carbs because I will really lose my mind. The weight is coming off and I still burning around 500-600 calories a day through exercise. Everything takes time. But with the diet and lack of AL I have knocked years off my face.

                          Good luck to all.


                            The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

                            Greetings all,
                            Great going on 19 day's Ezz. You sound commited, and despite you're not feeling the best, you sound positive. How are you Ronnie?!
                            Go for it Pan and Waving!

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              The Next Day Thread, Friday, May 22

                              Hi Mr G.
                              Ezz, your diet sounds good and your results too. You will feel better soon I am sure.
                              Just make sure you get some rest days in your exercise schedule.
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

