If you are advising that people take certain supplements or follow a particular course of action, you are treating them. That is a simple fact. You frequently give advice to people that I believe you are NOT qualified to give. If you WERE qualified to give such advice, you would have known about the dangers of DHEA supplementation for certain people.
You do not need to soothe me, CV. I rarely pay close attention to your posts. I have already purchased 7 Weeks to Sobriety and I have a wonderful job, so I can buy any books that I desire. As a writer myself, I have no problem contributing to the pockets of those who actually DO the research or who correctly interpret and cite the research of others. Obviously, I have access to the internet and I can go and look at supplement summaries from commercial websites, too. However, I know they are not "research."
I think you deleted that thread because I questioned your credentials and expertise, not to soothe me. That is fine, because I know others have the same concerns (I know at least a few mailed me). You don't have to provide credentials for me, but maybe you should know that others are scratching their heads too.
Don't worry, CV - this rant is over. I have far more important things to do, with a lot more things to check off on my list today.
Have a really pleasant day everyone!!