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MWO Members Rant!

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    MWO Members Rant!

    To CV


    If you are advising that people take certain supplements or follow a particular course of action, you are treating them. That is a simple fact. You frequently give advice to people that I believe you are NOT qualified to give. If you WERE qualified to give such advice, you would have known about the dangers of DHEA supplementation for certain people.

    You do not need to soothe me, CV. I rarely pay close attention to your posts. I have already purchased 7 Weeks to Sobriety and I have a wonderful job, so I can buy any books that I desire. As a writer myself, I have no problem contributing to the pockets of those who actually DO the research or who correctly interpret and cite the research of others. Obviously, I have access to the internet and I can go and look at supplement summaries from commercial websites, too. However, I know they are not "research."

    I think you deleted that thread because I questioned your credentials and expertise, not to soothe me. That is fine, because I know others have the same concerns (I know at least a few mailed me). You don't have to provide credentials for me, but maybe you should know that others are scratching their heads too.

    Don't worry, CV - this rant is over. I have far more important things to do, with a lot more things to check off on my list today.

    Have a really pleasant day everyone!!


      MWO Members Rant!

      A Very Long Day!!!


      Boy, this hasn't happened to me in a long time. I'd forgotten how frustrating it is. Drove into work for an evening of clients. 4:30....wait, wait, wait. No client. Call client. No answer. Realize client is on vacation. Okay. Dumb me. Do an errand. Get some gas for car. 5:30 , wait, wait. Call client. Husband answers phone, client not home. He is worried, because she and kids aren't home, either, but she's not at my office! Go to kitchenette to get bottled water. Wait some more. Do some paperwork, but don't have some charts to do some REALLY IMPORTANT PAPERWORK! SH*T! After a while check cell phone to make another call, and there is voice mail from missing client. SHE declares she came to session but door was locked! After checking door, which was unlocked and her describing building, realize that she went to building next door. Realize that she probably needs psychological eval and IQ and memory test. She couldn't find my office for her first appointment three weeks ago, so I probably shouldn't charge her for missing session:sigh:. As patiently as possible, I pointed out that if such a thing happens again, it might be a good idea to CALL ME ON THE PHONE. (I know, but truly, this woman is not the sharpest knife in the drawer!!! :sigh Okay, now we're 0-2. 6:30, VERY RELIABLE CLIENT, HERE. .....6:40...6:42...6:43, phone client's home and cell phones. No answer. Left message, saying I'm going home at 7pm if I don't hear from her! At 7pm I leave.... I'm batting zip this evening. No clients no productivity, no $$$$! I might have well have stayed home and gotten something done around here!!!

      :durn: :durn:

      That's my rant for today! Like I said, that hasn't happened to me for years!!!

      Thanks for listening!


      Kathy (I've used up all my emoticons!)
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        MWO Members Rant!


        Look on the bottom of the screen and see who is using chat before you enter the room. I realize that as of late, at times it has not been working properly, so if that has been the case, I have slightly more tolerance for this behavior, but not really .


        If you don't wanna talk to me, then don't go in. If you end up in there and see it's me, please don't:
        A) Sit there silent, then talk to the next person who enters, completely ignoring me
        B) Leave immediately and think I didn't see you, because I did, and now I'm feeling like a piece of dog doo.

        I have a suggestion. If you don't wanna talk to me and you have found yourself in the extremely unfortunate situation of being all alone in the chat room with me, get creative. Tell me the doorbell rang.
        Your pie is burning.
        You think you are feeling an earthquake and you better go quick!
        Aliens have landed in your back yard and abducted your first born.

        Something other than the above A) or B) options.

        Yeah, thanks. And whatever I did to make me so undesirable to talk to, sorry 'bout that.



          MWO Members Rant!

          Amen on that Becca! Have been there...& had that happen not so cool! I do think sometimes, that people will be in chat & leave to do other things w/out logging out, but leaving their names there... sometimes for a whole day... maybe topa DOPA?
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            MWO Members Rant!

            Boy do I agree with that feeling. I don't usually go on chat unless I see peeps in there that I would like to talk to, though. But it is interesting when people come in, everyone says a hearty "HI!!!!" there is no response, and then the door slams! I would feel more hurt and aggravated if it were just me, but I must admit, I do shake my head at times!!!
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              MWO Members Rant!

              :durn: hmm never thought about this before now im parionoid lol! thanks alot


                MWO Members Rant!

                i'm still trying to figure the whole chat thing out as well.


                  MWO Members Rant!


                  Here are some things that tick me off:
                  1) People who say "if you dont think you should drink tonight, then just dont - what's the big deal?" - (hubby)
                  2)Hubby - when he said the other day "I wont drink in front of you - but I will still drink - I am not the one with the problem!
                  3) People who wont let you into the lane when you are in traffic and there is construction so you have to sit there waiting FOREVER!
                  Sorry guys!
                  Love you
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    MWO Members Rant!

                    My rant is about MWO members who are soooooo friggin dramatic and emotional that it is ridiculously sophomoric. Crying and suicidal threats piss me off. And the question "Do you hate me now?" pisses me off too.


                      MWO Members Rant!

                      Yes, we can be dramatic and emotional. I think this is unfortunately a side effect of alcohol? We were talking about this in the Moderation thread....its something I think that we need to address I guess...I hate the anger I feel sometimes myself....ah well, hopefully it gets better right?
                      I dont think we need to penalize anyone for feeling the way they do though. We all have our issues.
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        MWO Members Rant!

                        I think there's a song.



                        :h :h :h :h


                          MWO Members Rant!

                          yes- i had a hard time getting a curser to type the first time i went in there... i stuck it out cause i didn't want to be rude and then finally one appeared and i could type. what do you mean about the peeps at the bottom of the screen? i don't see it.


                            MWO Members Rant!

                            Hi Freckles

                            Hi Freckles
                            What'cha asking? Let me see if I can help...though I am certainly no technical genius
                            rachele - you are the cutest.
                            Love you both!
                            Over 4 months AF :h


                              MWO Members Rant!

                              Freckles, if you are referring to seeing who is in chat you need to click on Our Community and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and it will show you who is in chat. Then if you are interested in going into the chat room you go back to the top of the page and click on chat.
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                                MWO Members Rant!

                                thanks- i'm gonna go check if i can see it...

