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MWO Members Rant!

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    MWO Members Rant!

    oh ok, thanks! i get it now!


      MWO Members Rant!

      Pet peeve, those who are intolerant of others. Pet peeve those who are judgemental of others.
      Pet peeve that sometimes others don't realize that the anger they have been holding gets vented at others in very destructive ways at times. Pet peeve ........ that no good can ever come of spewing anger and hostility.

      :h Syd


        MWO Members Rant!

        can i commit murder for this?

        how about real estate agents that leave your dog outside! thank the gods i came home earliy today. i mean he was in the back yard but i do live in florida. no food no water.if i had not come home early he would have been out there 8 hours.poor oreo,look at his little nose who could do that to him. i cant even call and complain yet im soooo mad.even better i might just go to his office tomm when i calm down.


          MWO Members Rant!

          Darn, can't think of a good way to express my rant. I don't think it has quite reached the rant stage yet? Oh well. Maybe next time.....
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            MWO Members Rant!

            Oh my, Kathy,
            you OK?
            When you are ready... just wanted to acknowledge that I saw you smoldering over there. The steam started coming out of my keyboard.


              MWO Members Rant!

              Ditto on Syd's rant.
              Good one.


                MWO Members Rant!

                I'm gonna rant about my 14 year old acting like she's going on 25 and my 5 year old acting like she's going on 15 and my 11 year old acting like she's going on 21
                :h :h :h :h


                  MWO Members Rant!

                  imagine how old does that make you lol


                    MWO Members Rant!

                    Hiya All,
                    This dosn't make sence...I am applying for my taxi badge at the moment and i was required to pass a medical from my doctor....I failed....The reason is i USED to drink.
                    Because i went into detox for 12 days this means i cant apply for a badge for 3 years.....But if i was still drinking and had'nt told anyone about my problem i would now be sitting here with a badge.
                    I've drank once in the last 3 months...
                    To me this is totally F*$ked up..
                    Okay rant over......but i dont feel better........Mack
                    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                      MWO Members Rant!

                      Mack ! I can totally relate! I had to go thru an extra screening w/ my DR including a $1oo Dr visit for a check-up(3 times)to satisfy DMV... because.. I thought "honesty was the policy" so I answered "yes" to a question about having a drinking problem...

                      I ended up being "hounded" by DMV for 6 mo. plus extra DR visits .. to prove myself... just for being honest!

                      Makes ya want to go bite somebody!
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        MWO Members Rant!

                        I know Jude, you try and do things the RIGHT way and it bites you in the arse....I wont be being too honest again in the near future about it....To the D.V.L.A. anyway....
                        I'm supposed to hand in my licence for 12 months aswell....But i live in a small village miles from anywhere...
                        Just gonna have to buy a disguise...
                        This was a big thing to me aswell....Had to pay ?50...It was gonna put me and my family back on track....Gonna have to go find a job, lumping heavy stuff round all day for ?5 an hour again.
                        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                          MWO Members Rant!

                          Sorry, Mr. Macks, that bites the big one!!! XOXOX
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            MWO Members Rant!

                            I know what my answer is gonna be if I get asked.
                            signed....all to often, way to honest too.

                            Something I have learned in business. sadly....but dont always tell the truth!
                            A very hard lesson for me to learn.
                            And whats even sadder.....but who I have learned this lesson from....ok....
                            3 letters
                            starts with a m
                            ends with a n
                            e in the middle

                            sorry mack. :upset:
                            (ok maybe not all but most)
                            sorry again mack
                            Gabby :flower:


                              MWO Members Rant!

                              it is just always something i swear!

                              ok got up this morning to pay my bills before going to work only to find over a thosand dollars missing out of my account.thats right some jack ass found my debit card went to wlamart tried to buy a coat(stupid i live in florida) a pair on shoes(i didnt know you could get 50 dollars shoes at walmart) and a walmart asked him for his id and he didnt have it so they would not give him the stuff.great right? wrong they still took the money out of my account and told me i had to wait almost a month to get it back!so now im threating do dig ole sam up put of his grave to get my money right? i go to the police station file a report on stealy dan (lol). poor sob i got a woman cop and she was not happy. he is going down, she said she is gonna look it up and file the worst thing she can on him hoping for a felony. personal banker(also a woman) tore poor waly world a new one so now we are down to one to three days.and of course is gonna file fraud charges against him.lady from the mini mart where i last used my card has narrowed it down to three people. but of course wally world has him on tape but wont show me only the police go fiqure i could have done all the work myself and had him flippin picked up today..but no that would just be too easy. hope the jerk has a good weekend cause by monday he is gonna be a sorry dude.

                              ok i fell better now! thanks for listening


