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Lou - The Best

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    Lou - The Best

    May I speak freely?

    Lou is the bloody BEST. You Are Wicked !!!!

    That is all I have to say XXXXX

    ( apart from... not heard a dickie bird out of you Waynie....)

    Do you know - I especially think about Baby Belle... So, love to her... and doggie licks from Mills and Daisy.
    Thinking of you Nancy - you are a Rock. XXXXX

    Oh by the way, I've had Barry on the phone about embarking on my Lenair project. But because he told me to cancel my flights I am reticent to take this up further. Does anyone else know more with regards to this ? i.e Has anyone BEEN there ?
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h

    Lou - The Best

    Hiya Bub,
    I'v not been online for a week or so myself..Got back on Saturday i think..Had an almighty slip the Monday before, i was really gutted with myself cause i think it was getting on for 11 weeks, back to day 8 now.
    Whats happening with you?
    Glad your meeting up with Lou soon, should be a cracking day, you two got a lot in commen by the sound of it..You gotta spur each other on.
    Gotta go i got a fishing trip planned for today but chin up Bub and get yourself on here more often.
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      Lou - The Best

      Wayne, You are a Starlet XXXXX

      Good Luck with your fishing trip. And I am SO GLAD everything is back on course with you. Are you course fishin' ??? !!!

      Lovely to hear from you...

      Bubs .... XXXx
      hope you arn't after shrimps in those murky pits XXXXX
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Bambs aka Hydrogen

      :h XXX :h


        Lou - The Best

        In case you didn't get that..... Bubba... Whom had a shrimp ( we call them prawns ) industry.................................

        SO... Ladies and Gents....... From Which film did it HAIL?
        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Bambs aka Hydrogen

        :h XXX :h


          Lou - The Best

          Bubba Gump!
          Shrimp stew, shrimp sandwich, fried shrimp, boiled shrimp...
          Run Forrest, RUN!
          hee hee!
          Love that movie.


            Lou - The Best

            Becca.... Hit the nail on the heeeed !!!!

            Except that I was wafffflig abou Mackerel "!!!!!!
            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

            Bambs aka Hydrogen

            :h XXX :h


              Lou - The Best

              Thank you Liz beth.......for the kind words......

              Enjoyed the chat with you today.

              Hope you're not too loney without your "boy"!

              Puppy licks to you!

              Nancy & Belle
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10

