Evening all :-)
Well today was day 2 AF for Pan and myself, as per our 7 day pact..
I blew the motor up in my car Today..
$2000 for a new motor and my car is worth about $3000, so I'm sending it to the wreckers and borrowing around $12,000 for a decent car...
This led me to be most upset about finances and going to the Folks for dinner, to consult with the Old Man...He's 72 and I am 39... He's still my best mate :-)
This led to 4 bottles of red between us (minus the one glass Mum imbibed in) but solving all problems and coming home happy...
Apologies Pan, it was only our agreement that stopped me drinking Yesterday after work when all 4 of the blokes I work with were drinking like mad men...
I've learned not too get too upset with a setback (as long as it isn't ongoing)
Feeling guilty just leads to low self esteem and loser mentality...
I'll just get up Tomorrow and start again...I don't really expect to change an adult lifetime of ingrained habit in a few Months...I know it will take time, so I've stopped kicking myself in the arse when I fail but continuing to give myself credit for getting up and trying again...
I WILL sort my problems out, it's either that or give up, so really have no choice...
Anyway, that's my story for this Saturday, hope I haven't talked your ear off like my Old Man just has me..LOL