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The Next Day Thread. May 23, Saturday

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    The Next Day Thread. May 23, Saturday

    Evening all :-)

    Well today was day 2 AF for Pan and myself, as per our 7 day pact..

    I blew the motor up in my car Today..

    $2000 for a new motor and my car is worth about $3000, so I'm sending it to the wreckers and borrowing around $12,000 for a decent car...

    This led me to be most upset about finances and going to the Folks for dinner, to consult with the Old Man...He's 72 and I am 39... He's still my best mate :-)

    This led to 4 bottles of red between us (minus the one glass Mum imbibed in) but solving all problems and coming home happy...

    Apologies Pan, it was only our agreement that stopped me drinking Yesterday after work when all 4 of the blokes I work with were drinking like mad men...

    I've learned not too get too upset with a setback (as long as it isn't ongoing)

    Feeling guilty just leads to low self esteem and loser mentality...

    I'll just get up Tomorrow and start again...I don't really expect to change an adult lifetime of ingrained habit in a few Months...I know it will take time, so I've stopped kicking myself in the arse when I fail but continuing to give myself credit for getting up and trying again...

    I WILL sort my problems out, it's either that or give up, so really have no choice...

    Anyway, that's my story for this Saturday, hope I haven't talked your ear off like my Old Man just has me..LOL

    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


      The Next Day Thread. May 23, Saturday

      I have a Makita cordless drill..

      What size hole is appropriate to drill to relieve the pressure in my head Tomorrow Morning?
      What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


        The Next Day Thread. May 23, Saturday

        Evening all,
        I am very late checking in but I have been so busy today, I had a few bad urges today, that I very nearly caved but I am glad to say that I did,nt. I have been doing alot of housework today which is my trigger but the bathrooms had to be done!!!! But apart from that I am feeling great although the weather is BAD and very cold. Not looking forward to tomorrow morning as my 3 boys have got soccer matches at 8.30, 9.30 & 10.30 so I will be standing out in the cold for 3 hours and you can bet that it will be raining too!!!! And to top that off they have a birthday party to go to with god know how many kids attending straight after the last match.
        Well done on getting thought Day 2 Dave and CY you must be feeling really good at the moment, Pan how are you going my lovely?
        Well tomorrow I will be 2 weeks A/F WHOPEE!!!
        Take care all
        Love ronnie xxx
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          The Next Day Thread. May 23, Saturday

          You are learning to deal with those cravings arent you?
          I used to drink and do I find it gets done less thats all :-)
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            The Next Day Thread. May 23, Saturday

            Thanks Starts,
            Well thank god today is over, I am now going to bed, SOBER Bring it on!!!!!
            Good night all
            Sweet dreams
            love ronnie xx
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              The Next Day Thread. May 23, Saturday

              HI ALL

              It sounds as though some of you had a bad day yesterdy, but thank god you came through it sober. I get times like that, but they do pass so long as I do not pick up the booze.
              I have had a few thoughts of taking a drink during the week but I did'nt, as I know that it was only a thought, and not a craving. this happends to me from time to time, I do not know why? and I know it will pass, but it is not nice at the time. love xx


                The Next Day Thread. May 23, Saturday

                G'day to you Day 1. Nice to see you. Yep, we all get those thoughts, and thankfully they do pass. And the longer we are af, at least for me and many other's, the longer it is between those thoughts.
                By the way, you're on sat's thread. Come over to the sunday one....ummm, now i'm confused!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

