Hiya Dee
My 2 eldest children are girls..15 and 12.. My eldest went through a stage of self harming..She still has the scars on her right forearm..However much we tried to talk about it she had an excuse .." i did it on some thorn bushes "...
I beleive it was done with her friends in mind..She has problems at home...Me being one of them but their are other issues..Her sexuality for one..I also beleive it had something to do with the music scene she was into..It used to be called emo ...But now in her word as she says...dont lable me

The point i'm trying to make is in one year she has grown out of what i hope was a phase.
You are doing exactly the right thing though..I wish i had the brains to seek professional advice at the time...A year later she sees a school counciller once a week...Mrs Macks and i have different relationships with her...She has become more of a best friend..where i try to be the parent figure..which is hard when you try to over compensate for being an alcaholic..
I hope your daughter grows out of this...Our 13 year old girl is starting to show the same signs our eldest did..Its like when they hit 13 a huge black cloud turns up above their heads..