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Parenting Teens - Advice anyone?

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    Parenting Teens - Advice anyone?

    one2many;623192 wrote: Awwwhhh Deebers, glad it went well....

    I rememeber scraping the name of a rock band into my arm with a compass when I was a was purely to be in with the in crowd, they were all doing it, so I did too.
    Do you still have a scar??
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Parenting Teens - Advice anyone?

      DeeBee;622993 wrote: Thank you Evie, your post has meant alot to me.

      A friend of mine told me a while ago that she believed her daughter chose her -- I didn't take much notice at the time, and now you are also saying it.
      Do we ever find the answer to WHY they choose us?
      I believe that we are probably in the same "soul group" and have known each other before, so we sorta have an idea about each others strengths and weaknesses. At the soul level she must know of some inner strength in you that she would like to learn to be able to learn to develop in herself, so she choose you to be with to help teach her. ???
      At least that is what makes sense to me. Make sense to you ???
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Parenting Teens - Advice anyone?

        Hi DeeBee,

        Oh the joys of having a teen LOL! I'm with ya girl. My boy is 13 and we certainly have had our share of troubles but I've done some reading and got a program called Total Transformation and I tell you's changed everything. I changed how I think about him and how I react to him and in turn, he has too. There is more of a mutual respect. In short I stopped being a "Mom" (not really cause I'll always be Mom) and started treating him more as an equal. Let him make more decisions, asked his advice and gave him a bit more freedom. It's made us closer. It's still early in the game but it seems to be working.
        Oh, one of the books I read was "Uncommon sense for parents with teenagers by Michael Riera" it was great. Had alot of insight on how teens hear what we say. Quite the eyeopener.

        Sending you hugs and good wishes
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

