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Topa and liver?

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    Topa and liver?

    Hello everyone
    I had to renew my topamax prescription (had to go to a walk-in clinic because my doctor is away on vacation) and the walk-in doctor reluctantly renewed it (she kind of had to becasue its not good to just go off it) - and she said "So your doctor DID run all the liver tests, right?" and I was afraid she wouldnt give me the topa and I lied and panicked a bit and said "yes" - but my doctor didnt!!! What the heck!? What is this about?? - now, I can see if this walk-in doctor knew the topa was for drinking - but I told her it was for migraines - is topa bad for the liver or something? - RJ?? SOMEONE??? Did other peoples' doctors run liver tests? 'Cause mine didnt!
    Can someone answer this?
    Over 4 months AF :h

    Topa and liver?

    Found this info

    If you google Topa and liver you will come up with some information. This was on one website. I would definitely have your liver checked if you are going to continue on it.

    Also make sure the doctor is aware of any liver disorder you may have. Topama? must be used cautiously by individuals with impaired liver function.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Topa and liver?

      Yep, Jen. My doctor ran a liver panel bloodwork. Turned out to be fine (haven't killed myself just yet...yikes), so he prescribed it.
      I know others have not been able to take it because of impaired liver function, though. Don't know, however, if it causes further liver damage if your liver is already functioning poorly, or if it STARTS any liver damage. Hopefully not the latter. We have enough liver worries, huh?
      Check further. Have your liver checked anyhow. It was good peace of mind to know mine is still OK, but also incentive to KEEP it that way.
      Good luck, Jen. For now, I'd keep taking it, cuz as you said, you can't just go off cold turkey.


        Topa and liver?

        Thanks becca

        I have missed you - I know you didnt have internet access for a while right?
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Topa and liver?

          Hey Jen,

          Just about EVERYTHING is processed through the liver, and you should get your liver checked at some point in the not-too-distant-future. But don't freak. Next time you see your doc, just have him/her write out for some lab work. Drinking is harder than topa on your liver, so if you've cut back on your drinking, you're probably no worse off than you were before!

          AF as of August 5th, 2012

